Statutes Flashcards
Eight categories of protected works
“In no case does copyright protection for an original work of authorship extend to any idea, procedure, process, system, method of operation, concept, principle, or discovery, regardless of the form in which it is described, explained, illustrated, or embodied in such work.”
(Idea/expression distinction)
Sole and joint authorship
Works for hire
Contributions to collective works (see Tasini)
Termination (after 1978): 5-year window 35 years after assignment, must notify 2-5 yrs before
Double window termination for works transferred before 1978: 5-year window 26 years after publication, another 75 years after
Exclusive rights:
(1) reproduction
(2) derivative works
(3) distribution (sale, lending, or rental)
(4) public performance (doesn’t include sound recordings)
(5) public display
(6) public performance by digital audio transmission (sound recordings) (transmit clause)
Fair use
Author of work derivative of work restored under TRIPS to keep doing it if they pay the author
no protection for parts of work in which preexisting work is used unlawfully
first sale doctrine
first sale exception: can’t commercially lend sound recordings or computer programs
Exceptions to public performance/display/transmission:
(1) live classroom
(2) distance learning (mostly ineffective)
(3) religious materials
(4) nonprofit
(5) (A) homestyle (living room tech)
(5) (B) FMLA
109(c): real space displays
Safe harbor
(a) ISPs exempt if don’t select what is sent, recipient, or modify en route
(b) no liability for passive caching
(c) OSP exempt if no actual or constructive knowledge, don’t get direct financial benefit (greater control), take things down expeditiously on notice
(d) search engines exempt if notice and takedown
(f) penalties for abusive notice and takedown
(i) duty to terminate repeat infringers, accommodate tech measures
(m) no duty to monitor
DMCA §1201
access controls
(a) (1)(A): anti-circumvention
(a) (2): anti-trafficking
- (A) primarily designed for circumvention
- (B) limited purpose/use besides circumvention
- (C) marketed with knowledge for circumvention
DMCA §1202
Copy controls – (b)(1) has same prongs as anti-trafficking in anti-circumvention
Actual damages and defendant’s profits
Statutory damages:
750-30,000 default
750-150,000 willful
200-30,000 innocent
Court costs, attorney’s fees
Timely registration required for attorney’s fees
Impounding and destruction
Criminal offenses: must be willful, commercial (or the owner was about to go commercial). Also includes fraudulent notice and fraudulent removal of notice.