Statute of Limitations Flashcards
What is the Statute of Limitations (S/L) defense?
Affirmative defense based on passage of time, to be raised by D
When does the S/L begin to run?
When cause of action accrues—when injury occurs
When must you commence a s/l action?
By filing process no later than last day of period (start period by starting the next day after event) Remember for any procedural act occurring on Saturday, Sunday or public holiday you get to the end of the next business day.
What is the Medical Malpractice S/L?
2.5 years beginning on date of injury
Discovery of malpractice generally irrelevant
What are the two exceptions to medical malpractice?
Continuous treatment rule and foreign object rule
Explain the continuous treatment rule
2.5 years running from end of continuous treatment for same condition giving rise to malpractice (series of misdiagnoses is not continuous treatment because no treatment)
Explain the foreign object rule
When Dr responsible for introducing foreign object into patient’s body and leaving it, LONGER of 2.5 years from operation OR 1 year from date P discovers or should have discovered object (not foreign objects: chemicals, prosthetics, fixation device)
What is the other professionals such as architects, engineers, accountants, attorneys not brokers or securities analysts S/L?
For financial loss it is 3 years running from completion of particular services regardless of lack of awareness
Bodily injury is 3 years from bodily injury.
When the action is brought 10 years after on an architect or engineer, need a 90 day notice and pre-action discovery. P must show substantial basis/proximate cause
What is the municipal tort S/L?
Action for personal injury or property damage against government subdivision of state: 1 year 90 days
Must serve notice of claim on municipal D within 90 days of accident or dismissed for failure to state cause of action (You can make a motion to extend this)
What is the product liability negligence S/L?
3 years from date of injury against all D’s in chain of distribution
What is the strict products liability S/L?
3 years from date of injury against all D’s in chain of distribution
What is the Breach of warranty S/L?
4 years from date D delivered product
What is the indemnity/contribution S/L?
6 years from date of actual payment of judgment
What is the toxic substance S/L?
3 years from EARLIER of discovery of injury by P or date injury should have been discovered with reasonable diligence. FOR SUIT against manufacturer, distributor, supplier
If D is not in NY when cause of action accrues…
SOL does not begin to run until D comes to NY unless you have basis for PJ over D so you could serve D outside NY
If D is in NY when cause of action accrues but leaves thereafter for at least 4 continuous months…
SOL stops running for entire period of absence UNLESS P has basis for PJ over D so could serve D outside NY
When infancy or insanity ends, how long does P have to sue?
If SOL 3 years or more, LONGER of 3 years from end of disability OR original SOL from date of accrual.
If SOL less than 3 years, period of original SOL from when disability ends
10 years from accrual MAX for infancy medmal and insanity
What is the S/L on bringing an action that a P could have brought if still alive?
not limited to torts and includes all damages incurred by P prior to death
SOL: LONGER of time remaining on SOL OR 1 year from P’s death
What is the S/L on bringing a wrongful death claim?
Only for tort claim for pecuniary damages (not GD of pain/suffering) of decedent’s statutory distributees
SOL: 2 years from date of death, but decedent must have had timely cause of action at death
What if the D dies before the S/L expires?
Get 18 months added.
What is the borrowing statute?
Borrowing statute If P NY resident when out-of-state claim arose, NY will apply its own SOL
If P non-resident NY when out-of-state claim arose, NY will apply shorter SOL
If NY action timely commenced, dismissed before trial, and then SOL expired or less than 6 months remaining…
P gets 6 months from date of dismissal to refile same action and serve process on same D
- Prior dismissal on merits (res judicata)
- Voluntary discontinuance by P
- Dismissal for neglect to prosecute
- Lack of personal jurisdiction
For a dismissal for SMJ in Fed Court (say lack diversity) get the 6 month extension.