Status: Butchart et al. Indicators of global biodiversity Flashcards
What is the goal of the CBD and when was it made
The convention of biodiversity was made in 2002, with the goal of significantly reducing the rate of biodiversity loss by 2010
How is biodiversity loss measured?
the CBD created a framework of indicators to measure biodiversity loss at the level of genes, populations, species and ecosystems
What do the indicators show regarding the status of biodiversity?
Species’ population trends, extinction risk, habitat extent/condition, and community composition all show a decline in biodiversity
What do the indicators show regarding the pressure on biodiversity?
The majority of indicators of pressures on biodiversity show increasing trends over recent decades (Fig. 1 and Table 1), with increases in: (i) aggregate human consumption of the planet’s ecological assets; (ii) deposition of reactive nitrogen; (iii) number of alien species in Europe; (iv) proportion of fish stocks over-harvested; and (v) impact of climate change on European bird population trends
What do the indicators show regarding the responses to biodiversity loss?
All indicators of policy and management responses show increasing trends, however: The last three inflections in aggregated trends (2002, 2004, 2008) were all negative (Fig. 2), indicating that the rate of improvement has slowed
What does this mean for humans?
(i) Population trends of utilized vertebrates have declined by 15% since 1970; and
aggregate species’ extinction risk has increased at an accelerating rate (as shown by the RLI) for (ii) mammals, birds and amphibian species used for food and medicine (with 23-36% of such species threatened with extinction); and (iii) birds that are internationally traded