Statistical Physics Flashcards
What is a macrostate?
A thermodynamic state of the system described by macroscopic functions of state such as Temp, Pressure, Volume.
What is a microstate?
A specific quantum state of the system(not of a single particle).
Microstates specify all relevent information of all particles, spim, position, energy, velocity etc.
What does PEAP or PEEP (Peep probably better to use) mean?
PEAP- Principal of Equal A Priori Probability
PEEP- Principal of equal equilibrium probability.
What does PEAP/PEEP state?
PEEP states that when an isolated system reaches equilibrium, all microstates accessible to it are equally probable.
What does the Boltzmann equation show?
Shows the relationship between entropy and the number of ways the atoms or molecules can be arranged in a thermodynamic system.
State the Boltzmann equation and its meaning
Image shown on this side is another imortant variation of equation/shows how the W component is used rather than probability, p.
The boltzmann equation is a probability equation relating entropy S to W, the number of real microstates corresponding to the Gas’s macrostate.
S = Kb * ln (P)i
If the number of particles, N, and the number of macrostates, M, is known, how do you find the TOTAL number of microstates?
Example problem
The number of ways of placing one particular volume is V/dV (total volume/small divisions of volume finds how many small volumes can be occupied). Hence W = V/dV (for one particle)
Since Wt = W1W2W3… WN (each molecule is independent of the rest) Wt = W^N
Derivation of statistical temperature
Joule expansion entropy change calculation
Useful info on entropy and probability:
- Suppose a number of macrostates share the same energy and are therefore mutually accessible.
- Let W1, W2, … represent the number of microstates available for each of those macrostates.
- According to PEAPP, the system has a prob, Pi to be in the i-th microstate.
What is an ensemble in statistics?
An ensemble is a collection of identical systems whose statistical fluctuations are cancelled out upon averaging.
What is a micro-canonical ensemble?
What is a canonical ensemble?
- Micro-canonical: Systems with fixed total energy and number of particles N and Volume.
- Canonical ensemble: Systems with a fixed number of particles N and volume, but in contact with a thermal heat bath of temp T.
Derivation of Boltzmann distribution equation
Systems are fundamentally quantum mechanical, so if you solve the Schroedinger eq you can work out the energy levels of the system. If the system has a certain amount of energy, then the system is in a specific state (n of states = 1), hence Ws = 1 as we have specified exact information of the state.
- Ei can not change as the system is (for now) isolated, so can not lose or gain energy to change energy levels, again meaning n = 1
-Next bring into contact with heat bath with Temp, T and energy Eb, with its own number of microstates Wb. The energy of the system Ei can now change as it can exchange energy with heat bath.
- Energy conservation E = Ei + Eb
(now a microcanonical ensemble for system+heat bath)
Probability of system being in any state is (Where W it the total number of microstates, given by multiplying the W of each component of a system together)
pi ~ W = Ws*Wb = Wb
pi ~ Wb –> pi ~ Wb(E-Ei)
- pi ~ Wb and E = Ei + Eb
What is Wb?
-> Use statistical temperature definition
Rearrange, Integrate both sides of the equation with respect to dE b (T of heat bath is const). The constant of integration becomes a constant of proporionality upon exponentiating to rearange for Wb.
Since pi ~ Wb and Eb = E - Ei
pi ~ exp -Ei/KbT
(ignoring the exp constant(exp(E/HbT)–> becomes another constant of proportionality)
State the Boltzmann distribution
Differences between PEAPP and Boltzmann
-Equal distribution
-Applies to Micro-canonical ensemble
-PEAPP requires everything to be considered(what a micro canonical ensenmble is), all microstates, heat bath included.
-Exponential distribution
- Applies to Canonical Ensemble- with Boltzmann we talk about the system ONLY and not the heat bath(the derivation using the heat bath does not really mean anything)