Statistical modelling in Space and Time Flashcards
What variables is a Gaussian process dependent on/defined by?
A mean function
A covariance function (as a function of the distance between two points at x1 and x2)
Do Gaussian processes model space or time?
Spatial fields
What is a strictly stationary process? (stochastic processes)
A strictly stationary process has the same statistical properties everywhere.
Denote the process by Y. Then the distribution of Y(x) is the same as for Y(x + h).
Define a deterministic function. What is the difference between a deterministic and a stochastic process?
A function is considered deterministic if it always returns the same result set when it’s called with the same set of input values.
In deterministic models, the output of the model is fully determined by the parameter values and the initial conditions. Stochastic models possess some inherent randomness. The same set of parameter values and initial conditions will lead to an ensemble of different outputs.
Define a weakly stationary process
For a weakly stationary process the first (mean) and second order moments are the same everywhere, and the covariance simply depends on distance.
This means the process has the same mean at all time points, and that the covariance between the values at any two points, x and x+h, depend only on h, the distance between the two points, and not on the location of the points in the region.
(w.l.o.g assume mean is 0)
( Cov(x1, x2) = Cov(x1 + h, x2 + h) )
What is another term used for Weak Stationarity?
second order stationarity
Does Strict stationarity imply weak stationarity?
In general the converse does not apply but it does for Gaussian processes; and only for Gaussian processes which are the only stochastic processes defined solely by their first and second moments.
Define a Gaussian Process.
A Gaussian process is an infinite dimensional (continuous) stochastic function/process all of whose marginal, conditional and joint distributions are Gaussian.
What are the first and second order moments of a (stochastic) process?
The first moment of xᵢ is the expected value/mean
The second moment of xᵢ is the expected value of xᵢ²
What is intrinsic stationarity?
Assume a constant mean process. Then
E[Y(x + h) − Y(x)]² = Var[Y(x − h) − Y(x)] = 2γ(h)
If this only depends on h then the process is said to have intrinsic stationarity
What property does the weakly stationary process’s covariance function have? Proof.
Covariance function has to be positive definite.
Weakly stationary, therefore the second moment of xᵢ is finite for all t;
i.e. ∀t, E[xᵢ²] < ∞
Which also implies E[(xᵢ-𝜇)²] = Var(xᵢ) < ∞; i.e. that variance is finite for all t)
The Wiener-Khinchin (or Khinchine) theorem is a special case of which theorem for time series?
Bochner’s Theorem
Define an isotropic process
If the covariance depends only on distance (not direction) the process is isotropic.
For an isotropic process the covariance function is univariate (involving one variable quantity).
Separable process
In 2D, the correlation structure in the x direction does not change with y (and vice versa).
This holds for multivariate extensions …
Difference between a Gaussian distribution and Gaussian Process
Gaussian distribution is defined by its mean and variance, whereas a Gaussian process is defined by a mean function and a covariance function (positive definite).
Weierstrass Theorem
By increasing the order of a polynomial we can fit any smooth function to arbitrary precision
Gaussian process with Matérn 3/2 covariance possesses how many derivatives?
Via Bochner’s theorem the associated spectral density of a Matérn covariance function is the pdf of what distribution?
Define a nugget
an independent (iid normally distributed) error added to each data point
Three reasons why you would add a nugget?
1) Instrumental error (often small) - data isn’t entirely smooth because of instrumental error
2) Small scale variation that we don’t want to model by the Gaussian Process - concerned with the larger scale stuff
3) Sometimes we add nuggets for numerical reasons to prevent the covariance matrix being too smooth - guarantees the matrix will be positive definite and numerically stable.
Name the layers of the data when considering it in a hierarchical way (model).
Data layer
Process layer
Parameter layer
What layer is missing from the Empirical Hierarchical model and why?
Parameter layer
The parameters θ are fixed numbers
Bayesian Hierarchical model steps
Put a prior distribution on the θ (length scale)
And use conditional distributions to find the distribution of Z (the data).
Bayes theorem then allows to ‘reverse’ the hierarchy.
Another name for variogram
Structure function