Station 3.29: RETINAL PATHOLOGY Flashcards
What are the signs and causes of Age‐related macular degeneration (AMD)
Examine this elderly patient’s fundi. She complains of recent loss of vision
What are the signs and causes of Retinitis pigmentosa
This man has been complaining of difficulty seeing at night. Please examine his eyes
What are the signs and causes of Retinal artery occlusion
Examine this man’s fundi.
Clinical signs
* Pale, milky fundus with thread‐like arterioles
* ± Cherry red macula (choroidal blood supply)
* Cause: AF (irregular pulse) or carotid stenosis (bruit)
* Effect: optic atrophy and blind (white stick)
Note that branch retinal artery occlusion will have a field defect opposite to the quadrant of affected retina
* Embolic: carotid plaque rupture or cardiac mural thrombus Treatment: aspirin, anti‐coagulation and endarterectomy
* Giant cell arteritis: tender scalp and pulseless temporal arteries Treatment: high‐dose steroid urgently, check ESR and arrange temporal artery biopsy to confirm diagnosis
What are the signs and causes of Retinal vein occlusion?
Examine this patient’s fundi.
Clinical signs
* Flame haemorrhages +++ radiating out from a swollen disc
* Engorged tortuous veins
* Cotton wool spots
* Cause: look for diabetic or hypertensive changes (visible in branch retinal vein occlusion).
* Effect: Rubeosis iridis causes secondary glaucoma (in central retinal vein occlusion), visual loss or field defect.
* Hypertension
* Hyperglycaemia: diabetes mellitus
* Hyperviscocity: Waldenström’s macroglobulinaemia or myeloma
* High intraocular pressure: glaucoma