Station 1 Flashcards
Lens sorting
- equipment
- procedure
- coaching
- recording
Loose lenses +2.00 thru -4.00 in 1D increments, eye patch, near Hart
Patch, spec rx, @40cm
Dr holds +1.00 lens, then -1.00; ask which lens makes
-print smaller/larger
-eyes work harder
-print appear closer/farther
Have pt arrange from weakest (most plus) to strongest (most minus)
Minus = tighten eyes Plus = relax eyes
Lenses (-4, -3, -2, -1, +1, +2)
Pt was able to accurately ID magnification and minification and feeling of tightening vs relaxing the eyes
__ lens is more difficult to clear, pt was coahed to __
Pt incorrectly sorted __, was coached on diff b/w plus and minus
MAR Near/Far Hart Chart
- equipment
- procedure
- coaching
- recording
- incr/decr difficulty
Matching charts, eye patch
Spec rx, patch
Stand as far as possible (20ft), hold as close as possible (3-4in)
Pt read first 5 letters on D, next 5 on N
How eyes feel: tighten for N, relax for D
Remind them to keep chart as close as possible
Performed at __ ft and __cm
__ cpm OD, __ cpm OS (5 letter cycles)
Pt skipped __, was redirected to the error
Easier: one line at a time
Harder: one letter at a time
MAR Flipper Lens
- equipment
- procedure
- coaching
- recording
Flipper lenses, reading material (small Hart), eye patch
High lighting, near WD, spec rx, patch one eye
Pt reads 1/5 letter thru plus lens, flips, next letter thru minus, etc.
If using book/magazine, flip after each sentence
Goal 15-20 cpm
Is one side of the flipper harder? Are your eyes tightening or relaxing? Does the print seem smaller/larger? Plus = relax Minus = tighten/look hard
+/-__ flipper with small Hart
__cpm OD, __cpm OS (5 letter cycles)
Pt had difficulty with __, was coached to __
Bi-Ocular Loose Prism and Lens Rock
- equipment
- procedure
- coaching
- recording
Small Hart, loose prism (8-10pd), accomm flipper (+/- 1D up to 2.5)
Small Hart at 40cm on table, dissoc prism BD over OS, make sure images don’t overlap
Flipper with minus over OS, plus OD
Pt read first letter top, next bottom
Goal 15-20cpm
Is one lens harder? Are your eyes tightening/relaxing on the \_\_ chart? Does print look bigger/smaller? Plus = relax Minus = tighten/look hard
+/- 1.00D flipper, 10pd BD over OS
__cpm (1 letter cycle), difficulty with __, coached to __
Binocular Flipper Lens
- equipment
- procedure
- coaching
- recording
Flipper lenses (+/- 1.00 up to 2.5), reading material (small Hart, book)
Prerequisite of normal MAF, PFV/NFV
High lighting, customary WD, spec rx
Pt reads one letter thru plus, flips, next thru minus, etc.
Goal 15-20 cpm
Is one lens harder than the other? Are your eyes tightening/relaxing? Does the print look bigger/smaller? Plus = relax Minus = tighten/look hard
+/- 1.00 flipper with small Hart
8cpm (1 letter cycle)
Pt coached to __
Cheiroscopic Tracing
- equipment
- procedure
- coaching
- recording
Cheiroscope, pencil, paper
Image before non-suppressing eye, paper before suppressing eye
“Trace the lines of the picture where you see them”
Deep = large, little detail
Mild/central = small, central, detailed
Suppression can be broken by tapping the pencil on the tracing, wiggling fingers beside suppressing eye
Pt should continually “look for” the target
Image placed before OS, duck target used
Pt was able to adequately trace the picture. (Coaching to eliminate suppression if needed)
Face Form
- equipment
- procedure
- coaching
- recording
Form(s), RG glasses
Green lens over suppressing eye
Demonstrate suppression cues by covering each eye (or just green for form 1) and instruct them to notify dr if suppression is noted
Use dominant hand to point, time the task, keep ~40cm WD
Encourage to “turn suppressing eye back on” with blinking, tapping missing symbols, “look hard”, wiggle fingers beside eye, briefly cover the eye
May cover all but bottom row, move up one line at a time
Form __ with G lens over __. Performed in __min__sec. (Suppression noted, coaching if needed)
Bar Readers
- equipment
- procedure
- coaching
- recording
Bar reader, RG glasses, small font reading material
Bars vertical, dr covers each eye to demonstrate suppression, G over eye with greatest tendency to suppress
R sees thru R, G thru G
If an eye suppresses: “look hard” with that eye, encourage to “look thru” the dark bars, incr illumination, wiggle fingers, tap temple
Red lens over OD, near Hart used
No suppression noted initially.
Vis a vis
- equipment
- procedure
- coaching
- recording
2 polarized glasses
Start 2-3ft away
Ask if they can see both dr’s eyes, demonstrate app of suppression by having them cover/close an eye
Incr distance if ok
If suppress: “think hard about looking out of the suppressing eye” and “make it come back on” (“look hard”)
Quickly cover/uncover to help break, move closer if unable
Pt started to demonstrate OD suppression at 8 ft. Instructed to cover OS and try to prevent OD suppression with uncovering. Pt was successful in initial attempts, but fatigued.
- equipment
- procedure
- coaching
- recording
Chart, RG glasses
Eye level chart, RG over spec rx
Pt IDs at what D suppression starts, begin just in front of that
Pt reads across the chart, notes suppression (dark/black)
Time whole chart
Determine which eye is suppressing. “Look harder” or “look thru the darkening”, incr illum, wiggle fingers, tap temple
Performed at 10ft, R lens over OD
Entire chart in __min__sec. __ suppressions. Coached to __.