Static games of complete information Flashcards
Common knowledge
A fact E is a common knowledge among players {1,2,…,n} if for every sequence i1, i2, …, ik from {1,….,n} we have that i1 know that i2 knows … that ik knows E.
Strategic-form game
G = (N, (Si), (ui))
N = {1,…,n} finite set of players
Si is a set of pure strategies of player i. A strategy profile is a vector of strategies of all players (s1, s2, …, sn) from S1 x S2 x … x Sn. Set of all strategy profiles is S
ui: S -> R is a function associating each strategy profile with payoff to player i, for every player.
Zero-sum game
G in which for all s from S we have that u1(s) + u2(s) + … + un(s) = 0
Solution concept
method of analysing games with the objective of restricting the set of all possible outcomes to those that are more reasonable than others
Solution concept assumptions
1 Players are rational (choose a strategy to maximise their payoff)
2 Players are intelligent (they know everything about the game and can make any inferences about the situation that we can make)
3 Common knowledge (the fact that players are rational and intelligent is a common knowledge)
4 Self enforcement (any prediction of a solution concept must be self enforcing - noncooperative)
Solution concept examples
strictly dominant strategy eq., IESDS, rationalizability, NE
Strictly dominated strategy
Let si, si’ from S be strategies of player i. Then si’ is strictly dominated by si (si>si’) if for any possible combination of the other players strategies s-i we have that ui(si, s-i) > ui(si’, s-i) for all s-i
Strictly dominant strategy equilibrium
A strategy profile s is a strictly dominant strategy equilibrium if si is strictly dominant for all i from N. If it exists, it is unique and players will play it.
IESDS algorithm
Define a sequence Di0, Di1,… of strategy sets of player i. GDSk is a game obtained by restriction to Dik)
1 Initialize k=0 and Di0 = Si for i in N
2 For all players: Let Dik+1 be the set of all pure strategies of Dik that are not strictly dominated in GDSk
3 let k=k+1 and go to 2
IESDS equilibrium
A strategy profile where each si survives IESDS. If the equilibrium is unique, the game is IESDS solvable
A belief of player i is a pure strategy profile s-i of his opponents
Best response
A strategy si is a best response to a belief s-i if ui(si, s-i) >= ui(si’, s-i) for all si’
Never best response
A strategy si that is not a best response to any belief s-i
Rationalizability algorithm
1 Initialize k=0 and Ri0 = Si for all i
2 For all players: Let Rik+1 be the set of all strategies of Rik that are besf response to some beliefs in GRatk
3 Let k=k+1 and go to 2
Rationalizable equilibrium
Strategy profile where each si is rationalizable (survives the algorithm).
Game is solvable by rationalizability if it has an unique rationalizable equilibrium.