states Flashcards
state elements
three elements doctrine”
article 1 of the Montevideo convention
“The state as a person of international law should possess the following qualification:
a permanent population
a defined territory
government, and
(capacity to enter into relations with the other states” )
people / permanent population
rights and obligations of nationals
right of residence and return
right to participate in the political decision making process
tax duty and military service
acquisition / loss of citizenship of natural persons
ius sanguinis principle
ius soli principle
problem of the so called genuine link
acquisition of foreign citizenship
Nationality of legal persons/entities
- Several connceting points:
- Founding law
- Registration
- Seat
- Control
Diplomatic protection
- Definition:
Protection of the rights and interests of citizens of a state
as well as legal persons and of ships and aircraft of its
nationality vis-à-vis other states.
“[…] diplomatic protection consists of the invocation by a
State, through diplomatic action or other means of
peaceful settlement, of the responsibility of another State
for an injury caused by an internationally wrongful act of
that State to a natural or legal person that is a national of
the former State with a view to the implementation of such
Article 1 Draft articles on Diplomatic Protection
Conditions for exercising the right of diplomatic
- Continuity of claims
– Problem of multiple nationality
– Problem of nationality of legal persons - Exhaustion of local remedies
- Espousal of claims
– Problem of the so-called Calvo clauses
Genuine link
„According to the practice of States, to arbitral
and judicial decisions and to the opinions of
writers, nationality is a legal bond having as its
basis a social fact of attachment, a genuine
connection of existence, interests and
sentiments, together with the existence of
reciprocal rights and duties.“
* Nottebohm Case (Liechtenstein v. Guatemala), Second
Phase, ICJ Reports (1955), 4.
- nottebohm wanted to become liechtenstein citizen, so if war broke out he would be unharmed / assets would be chill (Guatemalan authorities though nah, hes german, so his assets were seized, etc.) → after war liechtenstein said no nottebohm is one of us (used diplomatic protection, took it to ICJ) → ICJ accepted Guatemala’s argument that citizenship needs a genuine link (can’t just travel there and register there, u need to have a genuine connection); failure for liechtenstein (bc requirement for nationality was not given)
Nationality of legal persons
- The traditional rule attributes the right of
diplomatic protection of a corporate entity to the
State under the laws of which it is incorporated
and in whose territory it has its registered office.
These two criteria have been confirmed by long
practice and by numerous international
instruments. - Barcelona Traction Case, ICJ Rep 1970, 3/42
Exhaustion of local remedies
- The rule that local remedies must be exhausted
before international proceedings may be instituted is
a well-established rule of customary international
law […]. Before resort may be had to an
international court in such a situation, it has been
considered necessary that the State where the
violation occurred should have an opportunity to
redress it by its own means, within the framework of
its own domestic legal system. - Interhandel Case, ICJ Rep 1959, 6/27.
Exhaustion of local remedies - exceptions
- Local remedies do not need to be exhausted where:
- (a) there are no reasonably available local remedies to provide
effective redress, or the local remedies provide no reasonable
possibility of such redress; - (b) there is undue delay in the remedial process which is
attributable to the State alleged to be responsible; - (c) there was no relevant connection between the injured
person and the State alleged to be responsible at the date of
injury; (d) the injured person is manifestly precluded from
pursuing local remedies; or (e) the State alleged to be
responsible has waived the requirement that local remedies be
exhausted. - Article 15 Draft articles on Diplomatic Protection
Espousal of claims
- The State must be viewed as the sole judge to
decide whether its protection will be granted, to
what extent it is granted, and when it will cease. It
retains in this respect a discretionary power the
exercise of which may be determined by
considerations of a political or other nature,
unrelated to the particular case. - Barcelona Traction Case, ICJ Rep 1970, 3/44.
Calvo doctrine and clauses
- Equal treatment of nationals
- Waiver of diplomatic protection rights by investors?
- Land surface
- Territorial sea and internal waters
- Airspace
- Earth’s subsurface
- Problem of demarcation
- Uti-possidetis principle
State authority
- Limits of regulatory power under international
law through sufficient proximity - Conflicts of Law
– Private international law
– International criminal law
– International administrative law
International criminal law
- Territoriality principle
- Personality principle
- Active and passive personality principle
- Effects doctrine
- Principle of protection
- Principle of universality
- Principle of the vicarious/representative
administration of criminal justice