Statements Flashcards
Yesterday I got up early
Ayer yo me levant(e) temprano
Yesterday I took a walk in the afternoon
Ayer d(i) un paseo por la tarde
Three years ago I was in Cuzco
Hace tres anos estuvimos en Cuzvo
It was two years ago
fue hace dos anos
I have flown this month
He volado este mes
Lara has gone out every night this week
Lara ha salido todas las noches esta semana
A while ago
Hace un rato
A short time ago (recently)
Hace poco
Hace un momento
A while ago/ a moment ago
I play very bad golf. I learned very recently
Juego muy mal al golf. He aprendido hace poco.
She has gone to the cinema with her friend
Ella ha ido al cine con una amiga.
I have started using it recently
he empezado a usarlo hace poco
hice un viaje de tres meses
I took a trip for three months
She has never been married
No se ha casado nunca
Have you ever been married?
se has casado todavia?
I was in Mallorca until last week
Estuve en Mallorca hasta la semana pasado
Salgo con Miriam desde enero
I have been dating/going out with Miriam since Hanuary
They met
se conocieron
We had dinner together (all girls)
Cenamos las juntas
We had breakfast together (some boys)
Desayunamos los juntos
tomorrow morning
manana por la manana
What did you do do over the weekend?
Que hizo usted durante el fin de semana?
What did you do? (tu)
?Que hiciste durante el fin de semana?
Late in the night/early morning (dawn)
I had a tortilla
tom(e) un tortilla
Where can you buy milk?
donde se puede comprar la leche
where are the dustbins?
donde est(a)n los cubos de la basura?
where are the showers?
donde estan las duchas?
can you rent a car?
se puede alquilar un coche
can you rent a towel?
se puede alquilar una toalla?
can you/can i/ can one?
se puede
can you drink the water here?
se puede beber el agua aqui
can you camp here?
se puede acampar qui
can I sit here?
puedo sentarme aqui
Or can I sit here?
Me puedo sentar aqui?
Se puede acampar qui?
Can I camp here?
Is there a campsite near here?
Hay un camping cerca de aqui ?
Is there a campsite near here? (2)
Hay un camping por aqui?
What do you recommend?
Que me recomienda?
what are you eating?
como estas comiendo?
como esta comiendo?
como estais comiendo?
como estan comiendo?
What is in this dish?
?Que lleva esta plato?
Whats in it?
que lleva?
Can you bring us another seat please
Nos trae un otro silla por favor
How long do is there to wait?
Cuanto hay que esperar?
How long do we have to wait?
Cuanto tenemos que esperar?
For good health you have to eat vegetables
Para bueno salud hay que comer verduras
We are full
Estamos llenos
sobran tres entrades
there are three tickets leftover
I can’t miss school
No puedo faltar a la escuela
There are three tickets missing and three tickets left
Faltan tres entradas y quedan tres entradas
your birthday is three days away
Faltan tres dias para tu cumpleanos
There are three days until your birthday
Quedan tres dias para tu cumpleanos
Theres a month left until christmas
Falta un mes pes para navidad
There is a lot to do
Hay mucho que hacer
There is so much to do
Hay mucho por hacer
There is a lot left to do
Quedar mucho por hacer
estoy vuelta
Im back
dirty - the table is dirty
sucio/sucia - la mesa esta sucia
cuando lo vi
When I saw it
By the time ( i fiinshed)
para cuando (terminaba)
I cant cope
no doy abastos ( supplies)
The only thing
lo (u)nico
The only thing that I want/ All i want is a coffee
Lo (U)nico que quiero es el cafe
as soon as we arrive
En cuanto llegamos
to crave/lust for
to fancy
How was it?
como era?
Quite so!
Asi es!
There were only two days of our trip remaining
Solo quedaban dos dias de viaje
Only two eggs remained/left
Solo quedan dos huevos
en serio?
so lovely
tan amorable
we made a deal
hicimos un trato
lets go for it
Vamos a por ello
The sweets were my downfall
la dulces fueron mi perdicion
he defraudado alguien
I have disappointed somoene/let someone down
I hoped that
esperaba que
I hope that
espero que
al lado
next to
go for a walk
dar un paseo
to decide ( we decided to)
from a dream
de un sue(n)o
it fits me
me queda
above all
sobre todo
I throw a party
doy una fiesta (dar)
To meet up
Quedamos en la plaza
We are meeting up in the plaza
What time are we meeting?
A que hora quedamos?
What are we doing tonight?
Que hacemos esta noche?
Are you working tonight?
Tu trabajas esta noche?
Shall we go to the cinema?
Vamos al cine?
Does it seem okay/good to you?
Te parece bien?
Im coming back home at 4
Vuelvo a la casa a las cuatro
brown eyes
los ojos castanos
Good luck
Tengas suerte
Im going to get fit
Voy a ponerme en forma
Last week
la semana pasada
two years ago
hace dos anos
I hope it doesnt happen again
Espero que esto no vuelva a sucedar
Every other day
di(a) por medio
Lets begin/ lets start
a pleasure
un puesto
not at all
para nada
i was sitting
estaba santado
on the other hand
el otro lado
mas chico/a