Statement Of Cashflows Flashcards
What are the 4 headings in the statement of cash flows
Cashflows from operating activities
Cash flows from investing activities
Cash flows from financing activities
Reconciliation of cash and cash equivalents
What are the line items for Cashflows from Operating Activities
Profit before tax (P/L) X
Interest expense. X
Interest/investment income. (X)
Depreciation/Impairment. X
(Profit)Loss on Disposal of PPE (X)/X
Other non cash items (X)/X
(Increase)Decrease in Inventory (X)/X
(Increase)Decrease in Traade Receivables (X)/X
Increase(Decrease) in Trade Payables X/(X)
-Cash Generated from Operations
Interest Paid (X)
Income tax Paid (X)
-Net Cashflows from Operating Activities
What are the line items for Cashflows from Investing Activities
Investment/Interest income. X
PPE additions. (X)
PPRE disposal X
Receipt of government grants X
Net Cashflows from Investing Activities
What are the line items for Financing Activities
Share issues (premium+capital Y2-Y1) X
New bank loans X
Lease Liabilities Repaid (X)
Dividends Paid (X)
What are the line items for reconciliation of Cash and Cash Equivalents
Changes in Cash and Cash Equivalents (balancing figure/subtotal of 3)
Opening Cash and Cash Equivalents (Y1 Bank - overdraft)
Closing Cash and Cash Equivalents (Y2 Bank - overdraft)
Working for Tax Paid
Opening Balance (Y1 income tax + deferred tax) X
P/L Tax Charge. X
Tax Paid (Balancing figure). (X)
Closing Balance (Y2 income + deferred tax). X
Working for Interest paid
Opening Balance (Interest Payable Y1) X
P/L charge (interest payable). X
Interest Paid (bal fig). (X)
Closing balance (Interest payable Y2) X
Working for PPE Additions
Opening Balance (Y1 SFP PPE). X
Add revaluation (Y2-Y1 reval reserve) X. *could be in notes, if valued downwards (X)
And leased assets (notes, leased liability) X
Less depreciation/impairment (notes, depreciation charge). (X)
Less carrying amount/disposal (notes). (X)
Additions (balancing figure) X * goes as (X) in statement
Closing balance (Y2 SFP PPE). X
Working for Government Grant
Opening Balance (SFP. Current+non current liability Y1) X
Less amortisation (notes ). (X)
Add amounts received (bal fig). X
Closing balance (SFP Current+non current liability Y2) X
Working for Lease Liabilities
Opening Balance (SFP current+non current Y1). X
Lease additions. (*notes). X
Repayments (balancing figure). (X)
Closing balance (SFP current+non current Y2). X
Working for dividends paid
Opening Balance (SFP Retained Earnings Y1) X
Add profit after tax (P/L). X
Dividends paid (bal fig). (X)
Closing balance (SFP Retained Earnings Y2) X