Statement of Cash Flows Flashcards
What does IAS 7 relate to?
IAS 7 covers the Statement of Cash Flows
- To ensure entities provide information about historical cash flows.
- To classify those cash flows according to the activities that created them
What are the activities that create cash flows?
Operating Activities - Main revenue generating activities of the business.
Investing Activities - Acquisition and disposal of long term assets and other investments.
Financing activities - Activities which alter the equity and long term borrowing of the entity.
What are cash equivalents?
Cash equivalents are short term highly liquid investments i.e. short dated government bonds.
How is the reconciliation of cash to profit from operations using the indirect method laid out?
Profit before Tax
Non cash items included
Non operating items included
Finance costs
Movements in working capital
Cash generated from operations.
THINK - Good/Bad for cash - Good = add back/ Bad = deduct.
What are the cash flows relating to investing activities?
- Purchases and sales of PPE - movement will need to be adjusted for Dep’n, revaluations and disposals.
- Interest received - Consider what has been paid (expense) and what has been accrued.
- Dividends received.
- Purchases from Investments.
With PPE & interest it may be easier to lay it all out in a T account and identify the balancing figure.
What are the cash flows relating to Financing activities?
- Proceeds from share issues - overall movement in share capital and premium.
- Loans - look at changes in balance of loan liabilities.
- Dividends paid - should be provided in the notes.
What can cash flow information show about a business?
Cash flow information can be used to identify company performance:
- Cash generated from operations - Working capital, reasons and causes of movement.
- CapEx - Significant sales of assets may be raising funds
- Sources of finance - New loans increased costs going forward. is the company in a good position for paying dividends
- net cash flow - carefully consider reason for changes.