Purpose of statement of activities
provide change in net assets for NPO as a whole
Revenues, Gains, Other Support
contributions from donors, investment income, property and investments reported at FV, professional services (only if NPO would have paid for them)
Net Assets released from restrictions
net assets that became unrestricted during the year, due to expiration of time of purpose restrictions
Expenses & Losses are
ONLY reported in without donor restrictions column
Expenses and Losses can be reported as
Nature or Function or both
Change in Net Assets
Bottom line of statement; similar to net income; closes to the net assets balance
Ending Net Assets =
Change in Net Assets +/- Beginning Net Assets
Revenues and Expenses from ongoing operations must be reported
separately at gross amounts
Secondary Activities (peripheral) may be reported
at net amounts
Statement of Functional Expenses
detailed schedule of expenses by function and nature
program activities & supporting activities
rent, salaries, utilities, depreciation
Program Activities
further the mission of NPO
education, training, research, hospice services, etc.
Supporting Activities
secondary to the mission
management and general, fundraising, budgeting, marketing, etc.