Burst into confetti
Lines never cross
Slice through like a sword
Straight line in it
Gets shot with an arrow
No diagonal lines
Explode like TNT
Touch more than 1 place
Crowd touch it like it is jesus
No curves
Leaves fall off it
Vertical line
Tower upwards like a skyscraper
Becomes bright like a lightbulb
Horizontal line
Shoot from a crossbow
3 or 4 straight lines in
Multiply like a photocopier
Lines meet in 1 or 2 places
Magnetize together
Not a vowel
Becomes dark like lights have turned off
2 or 3 straight lines in
Intertwine like a braid
No horizontals
Bow and arrow trying to shoot it breaks
Lines meet in 2 places
Crash like car-crash
Curve in it
Sprouts leaves
Diagonal sloping downwards
Slide down like a roller coaster
1 curve
Twist like a tornado
3 straight lines
Construct like a building
2 straight line
Split apart like a zipper
2 lines/curve
Take apart like a puzzle