Statecraft final Flashcards
What is war?
The continuation of politics by other means. It is not diplomacy but rather violence between groups for political purposes
What is politics?
The pursuit of power for your interests, to impose your interests and create laws.
What is the realist view of just and unjust wars? To answer this question well, fill in the blank on the next two statement and then answer the question
According to the realist view there is not justice in war, war is necessary. According to the realist view, people act out of necessity, fear, and self-interests
In Thucydides Melian Dialoge… what do the melons want?
The freedom to remain neutral and not be controlled by the athenians
Why do the athenians not want to honor the Melian Request ?
They beleive that it is necessity for Athens to control Melos or they risk looking weak and other states may begin to demand freedom. they were afraid/
What do the athenians do and how do the athenians justify their position?
The athenians destroy Melos and justify it by claiming that preserving of Athens empire was more important than letting Melos remain neutral. If the athenians allowed Melos to remain neutral, really bad things would happen to Athens. The necessity of war.
For Walzer, the justification for destroying Melos depends on two assumptions. What are those assumptions?
The athenians empire was worth preserving
They had certain knowledge of what will happen if they did not destroy Melos
What two arguments does Walzer give in response to the realist argument? In other words, what is Walzer’s argument against moral relativism?
Walzer argues that the realist argument Is amoral because it uses necessity as an excuse to commit anything in war. Walzer also beleives that morality and notions about right conduct are persistent through time and society and therefore how we judge history is how we judge actions committed today.
Throughout the book and in chapter 1, Walzer criticisms “arguments from necessity.” What is his criticism of these arguments.
Walzer beleives that necessity is an excuse for actors to do anything in war. necessity is ethically wrong because it excuses unjust actions
Necessity always implies one choice. There are always options, just people may make it seem as though there is only one necessary option
Walzer says that war is always judged twice. What are the two ways in which war is judged?
Jus ad bellum- Justice of war
Jus un bello - Justice in war
What is “at the heart of all that is most problematic in the moral reality of war”
The dualism of Jus ad bellum and jus un bello. How can the just side of starting the war continue to be just in war while still ensuring that they beat the unjust side.
What is General Sherman’s view of war? What is a challenge to this view?
War is a crime of those who begin it and soldiers resisting aggression or rebellion can never be blamed for anything they do that brings victory closer. the challenge to this view is that. Walzer claims this is a realist view and that soldiers are responsible for sticking to the war convention by not harming combatants. they can not of anything in war and not be blamed.
Which perspective on the justice of war is closes to General Sherman’s
Realist, there is no justice in war
What did General Von Moltke say about justice and war? which perspective on the justice of war is closest to general von Moltke?
The greatest kindness in war is to bring it to a speedy conclusion. The realist perspective is similar in that you must do what is necessary to win and there is no justice in war.
On what grounds does the modern military code rest?
Non combatants must not be harmed
What is walker’s point with “The case of Hitlers Generals “
Generals bear more responsibility for their cause than others. General should be allowed all the noncombatants prisoner of war rights but not given more rights than that. Eisenhower did not give hitlers generals the respect they would normally receive as generals due to the atrocities they committed
What wrong does the aggressor in war commit
The aggressor commits the wrong of threatening another country’s territorial sovereignty.It also forces men and women to risk their lives to fight and causes them to choose between fighting or losing their rights or dying.
What are the rights of a political community? Why do political communities have rights?
Territorial integrity
political independence
Political communities have rights because their citizens have rights, their rights are derived from the citizens.
If states are not protecting individual rights, do those states still have the right not to be attacked? why or why not?
No, because the state’s rights are derived from the citizens rights. If the citizen’s rights are taken away, then the states rights are taken away.
Who “owns” Alsace-Lorraine”? Who owns disputed land, land that two or more countries can claim? Why?
Germany owns Alsace- Lorraine because there is a larger population of German people there an the land follows the people. territorial integrity is not derived from property but rather comes from national existence. the people own the land.
What is the argument for appeasement? What is Walzers argument against appeasement? What case does Walzer use to illustrate his position? describe the case.
The argument for appeasement is that it saves lives. Walzer argues that appeasement is not ethical and impoverishes us of our rights, liberties and freedom. Walzer uses the case of Finland in the 1940s to demonstrate that although Finland was much weaker than the Soviet Union they still chose to fight for their rights. Walzer says the better part of wisdom would be not to fight, but that is not the ethical thing to do.
What is the twofold justification for preventive war?
The stats quo and balance of bower are worth preserving
Fighting now will be less costly than fighting in the future, It is a utilitarian argument.
Walzer beleives preventive war is…
unjust, because the actor is attacking out of fear, not threat.
Walzer beleives preemptive war is…
Justified because the attack is specified to be happening in the next couple of days.