State vet MT 1 Flashcards
World Trade Organisation is the international body dealing with the rules of trade between nations
World Organisation for Animal Health gives priority to the welfare of animals used in agriculture and aquaculture
Standing Veterinary Committee of the EU has been chosen by GATT/ WTO as the reference international organisation for problems of animal health encountered in international trade in animals and animal products
False (OIE)
The GATT/WTO Sanitary and Phytosanitary Agreement prohibits any health barrier in international trade of animals
False => Aim is to reduce to a minimum the negative effects of health barriers on international trade
Organisation for Economic co-operation and Development is the international organization of 182 industrialized, market-economy countries.
False=> 36 countries
Food and Agricultural organisation cooperated with the European Communities in the eradication of foot and mouth disease
Regulation is directly applied in the EU without the need for national measures to implement them
Directive is an obligatory legislation binding the Member States as to the objectives to be achieved while leaving the national authorities the power to choose the form and the means to be used
Decisions are binding EU norms in all their aspects upon those to whom they are addressed.
The members of the Council of the European Union are ministers of the Member States
The members of the council of Europe are the heads of government or state
False => heads of government/ state represent at the summit (European council)
Directives, regulations and decisions are obligatory directly applied EU legislations without the need for national measures to implement them
False=> Only Regulations are directly applied without the need for national measures to implement them
The duties (“powers”) of European Commission are legislative power, power over the budget and supervision of the executive
Statement refers to European parliament. Commission proposes new legislation, executive body, guardians of the treaties, represent EU on the international stage
The European Parliament initiates proposals for legislation is the guardian of the Treaties and the manager and executor of Union policies and of international trade relationships
Statement refers to European commission
The vet service in the importing country shall examine systematically all imported goods of animal origin at the border inspection post
False =>
Can’t check every consignment, only suspicious ones
The first veterinary legislations in EU regulated common criteria for trade between the countries
The competent veterinary authority in the producer country must ensure that all required health declarations are valid and in accordance with EU criteria
Veterinary lab of a holding may make diagnostic examinations concerning a notifiable animal disease only as regards to their own livestock
The official measures applied in the protection zone shall be kept in force for at least the maximum incubation period of disease in question
The decision to introduce emergency vaccination in the EU member states in stamping out shall be taken by the Commission, in cooperation with the member state concerned
true for regular vaccination, but is it also true when it comes to emergency vaccination?
Stamping out policy means that on the infected farm all susceptible animals shall be killed
Stamping out policy means that on the infected farm all symptomless susceptible animals are observed during the maximum incubation period
All susceptible animals, vaccinated or unvaccinated on an infected premises should be killed
Sentinel animals may be used for monitoring zoonotic infections in a certain area
In case of suspicion of a notifiable or zoonotic disease the public laboratories accept only sample material sent to the laboratory by a veterinarian
The public laboratories must accept the material for examination without conditions in case of suspicion of a notifiable disease or a disease presenting risk to the human health. In this case, the institute must immediately inform the competent official vet
For laboratory examinations presenting the basis of an official decision, samples shall be taken only from domestic farm animals which are marked individually and permanently and/or identified by the veterinarian
Should a suspicion of a notifiable animal disease arise in the examination of a public laboratory not belonging to the veterinary service, the laboratory is obliged to inform immediately the competent veterinary authority
Fulfilment of conditions of animal health requirements of fairs, markets and exhibitions is the responsibility of the person authorized to organize them.
During slaughter the domestic farm animals must be stunned before bleeding
Calves shall be provided with an appropriate diet with sufficient iron and a minimum of dried feed containing digestible fibre
If the animals are slaughtered outside of slaughterhouse for private domestic consumption, stunning is not obligatory in case of poultry, rabbits, pigs and small ruminants
rabbits and poultry can be slaughtered without stunning for private domestic consumption, not pigs and small ru
After the termination of the experiment, an animal shall humanely be killed when it is likely to remain in moderate or severe pain, suffering, distress or lasting harm
Tail docking shall never be performed on a dog
False =>
medical grounds
Castration of piglets over the age of 1 week shall not be performed unless there are evidence of injury
Castration of piglets over the age of 1 week must be performed under anaesthesia and analgesia by a veterinarian
Authorized stunning methods of farm animals are: captive bolt pistol, concussion of the head, electronarcosis and exposure to carbon dioxide
License may be granted for experiments for the purposes of manufacture of cosmetics, tobacco or other consumer goods only when lab animals are used
Maximum journey time in case of transport of dogs and cats is 8 hours
Beak trimming of laying hens less than 10 days old may be performed to prevent cannibalism
The form of Council of Europe welfare legislation is convention which owe their legal existence to the consent of those Member States that sign and ratify them
There is no need to use anaesthesia and analgesia during the experiment if it is incompatible with the purpose of the experiment
Pregnant domestic farm animals must not be transported because they are not fit for the journey
The use of any poisonous substance or drug for the euthanasia of pet animals is prohibited
? =>
the use of any poisonous substance or drug, the dose and application of which cannot be controlled as to give immediate unconsciousness and death is banned
The killing of animals in cultural or sport events is not regulated by detailed provisions in the EU legislation
In the EU Member States the cage system in laying hen keeping is prohibited from 2012
False =>
enriched cages allowed
Maximum journey time in case of transport of domestic Equidae and pigs, when using road vehicles which meet the additional requirements is 24-hours
The EU animal welfare rules for the transport are not applicable for the transport of dogs, cats or other pet animals
According to the EU animal welfare norms, piglets shall be weaned not more than 4 weeks of age
False =>
weaning > 4 weeks of age
The local animal experimentation committee shall authorize and register the operation of an establishment using animals for experiments