-the transfer of authority, responsibility, and resources from the center to the lower levels of administration
3 Forms of Decentralization
-considered to be the weakest form of decentralization. It redistributes decision making authority and financial and management responsibilities among different levels of central government.
-is a more extensive form of decentralization. central government transfer responsibilities for decision-making and administration of public functions to semi-autonomous organizations not wholly controlled by the central government, but ultimately accountable to it.
-they transfer authority for decision-making, finance, and management to quasi-autonomous units of local government.
-is generally conceived as a governance at the grassroots level
-a political subdivision of a nation or state, which is constituted by law and has substantial control of local affairs
-it is considered to be the forefront of governance. Aside from performing the task mandated by the national government, they have to work on peculiar problems found within their locality only.
Local Goverment Units (LGU)
-a standard income, population, and land area, mandated by the law must met and maintain in order for the creation and conversion of Local
5 Pitfalls of Decentralization
- It may create authoritarian enclaves
- Permit intolerance of certain minorities
- Intensify geographical inequalities
- Foster redundancy and inefficiency
- Stimulate ethnic and nationality consciousness
-the creation of R.A 7160 was the government’s policy framework and agenda to address the highly centralized system of government or the decades-old problem of an overcentralized politico-administrative system
The Local Government Code of 1991
Three Features
-Transfer of Fundamental
-Increase of financial resources available to LGUs
-Institutionalization of participation of the private sector, non-government organizations, and people’s organizations in local planning and implementing processes
Key Elements of Good Governance
-participation of groups