State Control of Mass Media and Propaganda Flashcards
4 Censorship methods under the Bolsheviks
Decree on Press, 1917: banned opposition newspapers
Censorship through Revolutionary Tribunal of the Press, 1918
All Russia Telegraph Agency (ROSTA) distribute news, 1918
Closed down 2000 newspapers and 575 printing presses, 1921
Pravda (truth) - daily issue with circulation of over 10m by 1985
Pravda Stories demonstrated partiinost (party-mindedness) – show off achievements of Communism
Covered up sputnik kyshtym with stalins 5 year plan celebrations
Pro and Con of radio
65% of the population illiterate
Receiving foreign broadcasts
Radio control under bolsheviks
Foreign radio signals were jammed and those caught listening to the BBC were arrested
Also mass produced cheap radios with limited signal range
TVs stats
10,000 TVs in USSR in 1950s
Almost 3m by 1950 – mass produced cheap TVs
By 1980s even most of the rural population had TVs
News, documentaries and cultural programmes
Depict life in Russia as joyous and prosperous
TVs 1980
Pressure build for TV to be more entertaining
Under Brezhnev, introduction of light entertainment
Musicals, folk dancing and even local programming
What was the purpose of the Cult of Personality? 4
Reinforce leaders’ personal authority
Stable figure in turbulent periods
Filled void left by repression of religious worship
Provide popular face of Communism
The Emerging Cult of Stalin
Presented himself as Lenin’s successor and disciple
Cult focused on Stalin as the Vozhd – ‘the boss’
After 1941 Stalin presented as defender of Mother Russia
Statues erected, towns renamed and poems written in his honour
Publication of books and editing of new books to favour Stalin
History of the All-Union Communist Party (1938)
Praise Stalin’s role since 1917 and denounce others, i.e. Trotsky
Khrushchev’s Cult
De-Stalinisation meant disassociating Revolution with Stalin
Khrushchev showed that his policies a continuation of Lenin’s
Popular slogan under Khrushchev was ‘Lenin Lives!’
Building his cult on success of Virgin Lands Scheme and Cuban foreign policy backfired on him when they failed!
The Cult of Brezhnev
As created a powerful Politburo, promoted himself as ‘First among equals’
Military medals, paintings and parades
Obsessed with trappings of power as had no real power
The 4 Roles of Religion in Russia
Provided an alternative ideology to socialism
Represent backward Russia – not new industrial nation
Form of social control
Closely tied to the old Tsarist regime
1918 Decree on Freedom of Conscience
Bolshevik Repression
All religious education banned
Church lost its wealth and status
Could no longer publish literature
Bolshevik Repression of religion 6 ways
1918 arrest of Patriarch Tikhon – head of the Church
By 1923 almost 30 bishops and 1,000 priests killed
Churches looted of wealth and stripped of icons
Replacement of Baptisms with ‘Octoberisms’
By 1930s approx. 4/5ths of all church villages destroyed
Nonetheless, survey taken in mid-1920s revealed that 55% of Russians still practiced Christianity
repression of religion continued under Stalin
Collectivisation almost eradicated rural religion
Churches not built on kolkhoz and priests labelled ‘kulaks’
Only 12% of bishops left after the Great Terror 1936-38
Khrushchev’s religious policy
Reflected Lenin’s, and continued repression of religion
Launch of anti-religious campaign in 1958
Role of priest limited to spiritual advice only
Parish councils placed under CP control
By 1962, 10,000 more churches were closed
Religion under Brezhnev
Generations of repression left Church weak
Submissive to CP policies and no longer a threat
Council of Religious Affairs monitor Church loyalty
Christian Committee for Defence of Believers’ Rights. Leader, Father Yakunin, imprisoned for 5 years 1979
How successful were anti-religious policies between 1917-1985?
Overwhelmingly succeeded in reducing the influence of religion in Russia
From Decree of Freedom and Conscience in 1918 to persecution of Father Yakunin in 1979
Orthodox Church stripped of influence, wealth, power and size
Nonetheless, persistence of worshippers, even after persecution in 1920s, and return of mainstream religion in 1970s, suggest that Communists never totally destroyed religion in Russia