State board study guide Flashcards
Regulatory agencies and governmental health departments require businesses that serve the public to?
Follow prescribed sanitary precautions.
Material safety Data sheets are obtained from?
The product manufacturer
Bacteria are very small and can only be seen with the aid of?
A microscope
One celled microorganisms with both plant and nimal characteristics are?
In the human body, nonpathogenic bacteria help metabolize food, protect against infectious microorganisms and?
Stimulate the immune response
Bacteria can exist?
Almost anywhere.
A small minority of bacteria that cause disease when invading plant or animal tissue are?
A type of pathogenic bacteria that require living matter for growth are?
Pus forming bacteria arranged in curved lines that resemble a string of beads are?
Cocci are pathogenic bacteria that are?
Round shaped
Bacteria that may cause strep throat or blood poisoning are?
Bacteria that grow in pair and ca cause pneumonia are?
Lyme disease, syphilis, or sexually transmitted diseases are caused by spiral or corkscrew shaped bacteria called?
In humans, pathogenic bacteria are known to produce?
Bacteria that are transmitted through the air and rarely show active motility are?
Bacilli and spirilla bacteria are both motile and use slender, hair line extensions known as?
Harmless bacteria are what type of bacteria?
Nonpathogenic bacteria
in 2000, a bacteria called mycobacterium fortuitum furunculosis caused a client outbreak due to failure of the practitioner to follow proper disinfection guidelines for?
Whirlpool foot spas
Bacteria generally consist of an outer wall containing a liquid called?
The life cycle of bacteria has two distinct phases, the active stage and the?
In active stage or spore forming stage.
The process whereby bacteria grow, reproduce, and divide into tow new cells is?
Bacteria that pose little or no risk to a client in the salon setting but are dangerous in the medical setting are?
Anthrax and tetanus bacilli
The presence of pus is a sign of a?
Bacterial infection
When body tissues are invaded by pathogenic bacteria, it is a sign of an?
Common human bacteria transferred through skin to skin contact or by using unclean implements are?
When diseases spread from one person to another it is communicable or?
An infection, indicated by a lesion containing put, confined to a particular part of the body is a?
Local infection
When a disease spread from one person to another by contact, it is?
A submicroscopic structure capable of infection plants and animals including bacteria is a?
A virus can live and reproduce only by?
Penetrating other cells and becoming apart of them.
Hepatitis A, a blood borne virus, is marked by an inflammation of the?
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is the virus that causes?
Acquired Immune Deficiency syndrome
An organism that lives on another living organism and draws its nourishment from that organism is a?
If nail implements have no been disinfected properly the client may contract?
Nail fungus
Disease causing bacteria or viruses that are carried through tht body in the blood or body fluids are?
blood borne pathogens
Transmission of blood borne pathogens can become possible through shaving, nipping, facial treatments, waxing, tweezing or?
Anytime the skins barrier is broken
A skin disease caused by an infestation of head lice is?
The ability of the body to destroy pathogenic bacteria or viruses that have entered the body is?
The Type of immunity the body develops after overcoming a disease or through vaccinations is?
Acquired immunity
The surfaces of tools or objects not completely free from dirt, oils, and microbes are covered with?
The process of removing pathogens and other substances from tools and surfaces is?
The treee main types of decontamination are?
Sanitation, disinfection and sterilization
Decontamination is a process that involves the use of?
Physical or chemical means to remove or destroy pathogens
Estheticians who use needles and probes that lance the skin must use a level of decontamination called?
In the salon setting, disinfection is extremely effective in controlling?
Microorganisms on non living surfaces
A higher level of decontamination that sanitation is?
An exception to the level of protection that disinfection provides and this possibility of an infection could be present if?
The clients skin is broken
A chemical agent that is used to destroy bacteria and viruses on surfaces is?
Disinfectants must have a registration number and be approved by the?
Environmental protection agency (EPA)
A manufacturer must supply pertinent safety and storage information by providing?
Material safety data
The agency that enforces safety and health standards in the workplace is?
A disinfectant that meets regulatory agency requirements for destroying bacteria, fungal, and viruses is?
Bacterial, Fungicidal, and Virucidal
A disinfectant used in salons should be appropriate and have the correct?
A salon implement that accidentally comes in contact with blood or body fluids should be cleaned and?
Completely immersed in an EPA registered disinfectant
Any item that Cannot be disinfected after use on a client must be?
Common, very safe, and useful types of disinfectant that contain sophisticated blends that work to disinfect implements in 10-15 min are?
Quaternary ammonium compounds
Disinfectant with a high pH that can cause skin irritation or burn the skin or eyes are?
Phenolic disinfectants
To be effective in the disinfection of implements, ethyl alcohol must be no less than?
70 %
A common household product used effectively as a disinfectant is?
Sodium hypochlorite
When mixing a disinfectant solution, add disinfectant to water and?
Mix according to the manufactures exact directions
To avoid contaminating implements, remove from a disinfectant solution using?
Tongs, basket or gloves
Store a clean, disinfected implement in?
A clean, dry container
How often must individual towels and linens be set aside to laundered?
After use on a client
The contact points of equipment that cannot be immersed in liquid solutions should be cleaned and disinfected using a?
Regulatory oversight agency approved disinfectant
At the end of the day, the disinfection procedure for a foot spa should include removing and cleaning the screen, washing the screen and inlet with soap and water, and totally immersing the screen in a approved disinfectant according to manufactures directions and?
Flushing the system with low sudsing soap and warm water for 10 min, rinsing, draining and letting air dry.
Every week foot spas should be cleaned following the daily procedure and filled with?
A disinfectant solution and left at least 6 to 10 hours, then drained and flushed.
any disposable material used in cleaning blood spills should be?
Placed in double bags before disposing or placed in a container for contaminated waste.
The fist step in the decontamination process is called?
When using liquid soap, scrub your hands and lather for at least?
20 seconds
Which of these is a danger of using antibacterial soaps?
They may promote the grown of resistant strains.
Antiseptics are effective for?
Sanitizing the hands
The agency that sets the standard for dealing with bloodborne pathogens is?
Universal precautions require employees to assume that human blood and body fluids are infectious for?
Blood borne pathogens
A client that is infected with Hepatitis B or other blood borne pathogens and shows no symptoms or signs of infection is?
Cosmetology is primarily restricted to the muscles, nerves, circulatory system and?
Bones of the head, face, neck, arms, hands, lower legs, and feet.
The basic unit of all living things is the?
The substance called protoplasm is found in?
The cells of all living things
The study of the structures of the human body is?
A dense active protoplasm found in the center of the cell is?
Most cells reproduce by dividing into to identical cells called?
reproductive cells
The watery fluid that cells need for growth, reproduction and self repair is found in the?
The chemical process where by cells are nourished and carry out their activities is?
The chemical process of cell nourishment has 2 phases, which are?
Anabolism and catabolism
A collection of similar cells that preform a specific function are?
A type of tissue that supports protect and binds together other tissues of the body is?
Connective tissue
Tissues that are protective covering on the skin or the lining of the hear and glands are examples of?
Epithelial tissue
Nerve tissue is composed of special cells known as?
The physical foundation of the body is the?
Skeletal system
The connection between to or more bones is a?
The scientific name for the study of the anatomy, structure, and function of the bones is?
The ankle joint is formed by the tibia, fibula, and the?
The oval, bony case that protects the brain is the?
The hindmost bone of the skull, below the parietal bone, which forms the back of the skull above the nape is the?
Occipital bone
The bones of the face are involved in?
Facial message
The system of the body that covers shapes and supports the skeleton tissue is the?
Muscular system
The medical term used to describe the study, function and diseases of the muscles is?
The two bones that from the upper jaw are?
Maxillae bones
The two bones that form the sides and crown (top) of the cranium are the?
Parietal bones
The uppermost and largest bone of the arm, extending form the elbow to the shoulder, is the?
The foot is made of up ____ bones?
The ____ is a heavy, long bone that forms the leg above the knee?
Muscles are fibrous tissue classified as three types, which are?
Striated, non-striated and cardiac
Skeletal muscles attached to bone that are voluntary or controlled at will are?
Striated Muscle
The part of the muscle that does not move is the?
Pressure applied to a muscle during a massage is usually directed from the?
Insertion to the origin
The broad muscle that covers the top of the head is the?
The front portion of the Epicranius that raises the eyebrows, draws the scalp forward, and causes wrinkles across the forehead is the?
The sternocleidomastoid muscle is the muscle of the neck that is responsible for?
Lowering and rotating the head
The ring muscle of the eye socket that enables the eyes to close is the?
Orbicularis Oculi
A muscle covering the back of the neck and the upper and middle region of the back that rotates and controls the swinging of the arms is the?
Muscles that straighten the wrist, hand and fingers to from a straight line are the?
The muscles at the base of the fingers that draw finger together are the?
The gastrocnemius muscle is located in the?
Lower leg
The scientific study of the structure, function and pathology of the nervous system is?
Every square inch of the body is supplied with fine fibers known as?
The nervous system that controls the brain, spinal cord, spinal nerves and cranial nerves is the?
Central nervous system
The system of nerves that carries impulses or messages to and from the central nervous system is the?
Peripheral nervous system
The portion of the central nervous system that originates in the brain, extends down the lower extremity of the trunk, and is protected is the?
Spinal Cord
The largest and most complex Nerve tissue in the body is the?
Whitish cords made up of bundles of nerve fibers held together by connective tissue are?
Sensory nerve endings that are located close to the surface of the skin are?
Nerves that carry impulses from the brain to the muscles and produce movement are?
Motor Nerves
The largest of the cranial nerves, also known as the trifacial nerve or the Trigeminal never is the?
5th cranial nerve
The chief motor nerve of the face that emerges near the lower part of the ear and extends to the muscles of the neck is the?
7th Cranial nerve
The nerve and branches that supply the thumb side of the arm and back of the hand is the?
Radial nerve
the anterior tibial nerve extends to the front of the leg, behind the muscles, and is also referred to as?
Deep peroneal nerve
The system that controls the steady circulation of blood through the body by means of the heart and blood vessels is the?
Circulatory system
The system that involves the heart, arteries, capillaries, and veins is the?
Blood vascular system
A clear yellowish fluid that circulates in the lymphatics of the body and carries waste and impurities away from the cells is the?
The upper, thin-walled chambers of the heart are the?
Left and right atria
The blood circulatory system that sends blood from the heart to the lungs to be purified is the?
Pulmonary system
Tubelike structures that include arteries, capillaries, and veins are?
Blood vessels
A thin-walled blood vessel that is less elastic than an artery is a?
The largest artery in the human body is the?
White blood cells preform the important functions of destroying?
Disease-causing microorganisms
The artery that supplies blood to the anterior (front) part of the?
External carotid artery
The main blood supply of the arms and hands are the?
Ulnar and radial arteries
Which of the following is NOT an artery that supplies blood to the lower leg or foot?
External carotid artery
Endocrine glands release a secretion called?
The integumentary system is made up of the skin and accessory organs such as?
Oil and sweat glands, sensory receptors, hair and nails.
The medical branch of science that deals with the study of skin, its functions, diseases and treatment is?
The larges living organ of the body is the?
Healthy skin is slightly moist, soft, and flexible with a texture that is?
Smooth and fine grained
Continued pressure on any part of the skin can cause it to thicken and develop?
Appendages of teh skin include hair, nails and?
Sweat and oil glands
The skin structure is generally thinest on the?
The skin on the scalp has large and deeper?
Hair follicles
The outer most layer of the skin is the also called the?
Epidermis layer
The epidermis layer of the skin does not contain?
Blood vessels
The stratum germinative is the Deepest layer of the epidermis and is responsible for?
Growth of the epidermis
the dark special cells that protect sensitive cells and provide color to the skin are?
The granular layer of the skin is also called the?
Stratum granulosum layer
The outmost layer of the epidermis is the?
Stratum corneum
A fiber protein that is the principal component of hair and nails is?
The deepest layer of the epidermis is the?
Stratum germinativum
The clear transparent layer under the skin surface is the?
stratum lucidum
Cells that are almost dead and pushed to the surface to replace cells are shed from the?
Stratum granulosum layer
The underlying or inner layer of the skin is the?
Dermis layer
The outermost layer directly beneath the epidermis, is the?
Papillary layer
The deepest layer of the dermis that supplies the skin with oxygen and nutrients and contains sweat and oil glands is the?
Reticular layer
Tissue that gives smoothness and contour to the body and provides a protective cushion is?
Subcutaneous tissue
the clear fluid that removes toxins and cellular waste and has immune functions is the?
Motor nerve fibers attached to the hair follicle that can cause goose bumps are the?
Arrector pilli muscle
Nerves that regulate the secretion of perspiration and sebum are?
Secretory nerve fibers
Basic sensations such as touch, pain, heat, cold, and pressure are registered by?
Nerve endings
The amount and type of pigment produced by and individual is determined by?
Two type of melanin produced by the body are?
Pheomelanin and eumelanin
Skin gets is strength, from, and flexibility from flexible fibers found within the?
Dermis layer
The fibrous protein that gives skin is from and strength is the?
The sudoriferous glands help the body regulate?
A tube like duct that ends at the skins surface to from the sweat pore is the?
Secretory coil
The sebaceous or oil glands are connected to the?
Hair follicle
The principal functions of the skin are protection, sensation, heat regulation, excretion and?
Secretion and absorption
The best way to support the heath of the skin is by eating foods from?
Fats, carbohydrates, and proteins.
The hard protective plate found a the ends of the fingers and toes are?
Natural nails
The area under a healthy nail pate should appear?
A main protein that is found in natural nail is?
Nails are an appendage of the skin and are part of what body system?
Integumentary system
A healthy nail is smooth, shiny and?
The portion of the living skin on which the nail plate sits is the?
Nail bed
The nail bed is attached to the nail plate by a think layer of tissue called the?
Bed epithelium
Nail cells are formed in what part of the nail structure?
THe nail plate is guided and helped along during its growth by a thin layer of tissue called?
Bed epithelium
The matrix continues to create new cells provided that?
It receives nutrition and is kept healthy
The Visible part of the matrix that extend from underneath the living skin is the?
The most visible and functional part of the nail module is the?
Nail plate
The nail plate is constructed of how many layers of nail cells?
The part of the nail plate that extends over the tip of the finger or toe is the?
free edge
The dead, colorless tissue attached to the nail plate is?
The living skin at the base of the nail plate covering the matrix area is the?
The slightly thickened layer of skin that lies underneath the free edge of the nail plate is the?
Tough bands of fibrous tissue that connect bones are?
The slits or furrows on the side of the nail plate are?
Nail grooves
The length, width and curvature of nails are determined by the?
Matrix shape
In the normal adult, the average rate of nail growth is about?
1/10 inch per month
A healthy Natural nail will continue to grow provided there is no damage to the?
Replacement of the natural fingernail usually takes about?
4-6 months
What fingernail grows the fastest?
The Middle finder
The nail has a water content between?
The scientific study of hair, its diseases, and care is called?
The two parts of a mature hair strand are the hair shaft and ?
Hair root
The portion of hair that projects above the skin is the?
Hair shaft
The follicle, bulb, papilla, arrector pili muscle, and sebaceous glands are main structures of the?
Hair root
The tube like depression or pocket in the skin or scalp that contains the hair root is the?
Hair follicles are not found on the palms of the hands or the?
soles of the feet
The follicle extends dowered from the epidermis, where is surrounds the?
Dermal papilla
The lowest area or part of the hair strand is the?
Hair bulb
A small, cone shaped area at the base of the hair follicle that fits into the hair bulb is the?
Dermal papilla
A tiny, involuntary muscle fiber inserted in the base of the hair follicle is the?
Arrector pilli
The oil glands of the skin connected to the hair follicles are?
Sebaceous glands
An oily substance secreted from the sebaceous gland is?
The overlapping layer of hair with transparent, scalelike cells is the?
The three main layers of the hair shaft are the cuticle, medulla, and?
Swelling the hair raises the cuticle layer and allows for?
Fore chemicals to penetrate a healthy cuticle hair layer, they must?
Have and alkaline pH
The fibrous protein core of the hair, formed by elongated cells containing melanin pigment, is the?
Cortex layer
The medulla is the innermost layer of the hair and is?
Round cells
Hair is composed of a protein that grows from cells originating within the?
Hair follicle
The process whereby living cells mature and begin their journey up the hair shaft is?
The five main elements that make up chemical composition of human hair are carbon, oxygen, hydrogen and?
Nitrogen and sulfur
The chemical bonds that hold together the amino acid molecules are?
peptide bonds
An end bond is also known as a?
Peptide bond
The three types of cross links that from the bonds between the polypeptide chains are hydrogen bonds, salt bonds and?
Disulfide bonds
A weak type of physical side bond that is easily broken by water or heat is a?
Hydrogen bond
A salt bond is easily broken with the use of?
Strong alkaline or acidic solutions
Bonds that must be chemically separated are?
Disulfide bonds
Hydrogen chemical hair relaxers break disulfide bonds and during rinsing convert them to?
Lanthionine bonds
The natural hair pigment found in the cortex layer of the hair?
Two different type of melanin are eumelanin and?
Natural wave patterns are the result of?
Asians tend to have?
Extremely straight hair
Extremely curly hair grows?
In long twisted spirals
To help minimize tangles in Extremely curly hair when washing you should use?
a detangling rinse
Extremely curly hair may often break or knot easily due to?
Low elasticity
Four important factors to consider in hair analysis are texture and porosity?
Elasticity and density
The thickness or diameter of the individual hair strand is the?
Hair Texture
Hair texture is classified as?
Coarse, medium, or fine
The measurement of individual hair stands on the square inch of the scalp is?
Hair density
The ability of the hair to absorb water or oil is?
Chemical services performed on hair with low porosity require?
More alkaline solutions
Hair with high porosity is often the result of?
Over processing
The ability of the hair to stretch and return with out breaking is?
Wet hair with normal elasticity will stretch up to?
50 %
When shaping and styling hair, consider the hairs?
Natural grown patterns
Dry hair and scalp can be caused by?
Inactive sebaceous glands
Oily scalp and hair can be treated by properly shampooing with?
normalizing shampoo
hair that is not pigmented and almost never has a medulla is?
Long, soft hair found on the scalp, legs, arms and bodies of males and females is?
The phases of hair growth are anagen, catagen and?
The growth phase where new hair is produced is?
The average growth of health scalp hair is?
One inch per month
The final or resting phase in the hair growth cycle is?
Telogen stage
In general the cross sections of curly hair can be?
The term used to identify abnormal hair loss is?
The sudden falling out of hair in round patches or baldness in spots is called?
Alopeica areata
Two products apporved by teh FDA to stimulate hair growth and allowed for sale in the United States are?
Minoxidil and finasteride
The technical term used to describe gray hair is?
A variety of canities, characterized by alternating bands of gray and pigmented hair, is?
Ringed hair
A condition of abnormal hair growth on areas of the body is?
Trichorrhexis nodosa is characterized by brittleness of the hair and the formation of?
Swellings along the hair shaft
The technial term used to describe beaded hair is?
The medical term for dandruff is?
The medical term used to describe a fungal organism characterized by itching, scales, and painful circular lesions is?
They type of fungal infection characterized by red papules at the opening of the hair follicles is?
Tinea capitis
A highly contagious skin disease caused by a mite parasite is?
An acute localized bacterial infection of the hair follicle that produces constant pain is?
A furuncle
An inflammation of the subcutaneous tissue caused by staphylococci is?
A carbuncle
The spread of diseased can be prevented by practicing approved?
Sanitation and disinfection procedures
The science that deals with the composition, structures, and properties of matter and how matter changes under different condition is known as?
The study of substances that contain carbon is referred to as?
Organic chemistry
Products manufactured from natural gas, oil or plant or animal remains are considered to be?
Metal, minerals, water, and air are examples of?
Inorganic substances
Inorganic chemistry is the science that deals with compounds lacking?
Any substances that occupies space and has mass can be considered to be?
A basic substance that cannot be broken down into simpler substances without loss of identity is called?
An element
Substances that cannot be divided into simple substances by ordinary chemical means are?
The smallest particle of an element is an?
Chemically joining two or more atoms forms a?
chemical combinations of two or more atoms of different elements form?
A compound
Normal matter exists in 3 different physical states, which are solid, gas and?
Characteristics that do not involve chemically changing a substance are?
Physical properties
A change in a substance chemical composition is a?
Chemical change
Matter that is not mixed with substances of different chemical compositions is a?
Pure substance
Physical mixtures containing two or more different substances are?
Solutions, suspensions, and emulsions
A blended mixture of two or more liquids or solid dissolved in a liquid is a?
A substance that dissolves another substance with no change in chemical composition is a?
Miscible liquids are liquids that can be?
Mixed into stable solutions
Liquids that are not capable of being mixed into stable solutions are?
A product that does not separate when standing and contains particles is considered to be?
A solution
Solutions that contain undissolved particles that are visible to the naked eye are known as?
A substance that acts as a bridge to allow oil an water to mix or emulsify is an?
Ammonium hydroxide and ammonium thioglycolate are examples of products used to?
Raise the pH of hair
An atom or molecule that caries and electric charge is an?
Acids owe their chemical reactivity to the?
Hydrogen ion
Chemical reactions that produce heat are called?
The chemical reaction that combines an element or compound with oxygen to produce an oxide is?
The rapid oxidation of any substance accompanied by heat or light is?
When oxygen is subtracted from a substance, the chemical reaction is called?
A substance that has a pH above 7.0 is considered to be an?
Alkali solution
A sweet, colorless, oily substance used as a moisturizing ingredient in cosmetic products is?
The chemical reaction in which the oxidizing agent is reduced and the reducing agent is oxidized is?
Electricity is described as a from of
The flow of electricity along a conductor is called?
Electric current
Metals used in electric wiring and motors are materials that are considered good electricity?
Electric wires are usually covered with a rubber substances that is used as an insulator or?
The path of electricity from the generating source through conductors and back to the original source is called?
Complete Circuit
Electric current that is constant, even flowing and travels in one direction is?
Direct Current
The device that changes direct current to alternating current is an?
A rapid and interrupted current that flows in one direction then in the opposite direction is?
Alternating current
The unit that measures the pressure or force that pushes the flow of electrons through a conductor is an?
The unit that measures the amount of electric current is an?
The current that is used for facial and scalp treatments is measured in?
The unit that measures how much electric energy is being used in one second is an?
The device that prevents excessive current from passion through a circuit is an?
A switch that automatically interrupts or shuts off and electric current at the first indication of an overload is a?
Circuit breaker
An important way of promoting electrical safety is the principle of?
An applicator that is used for direction the electric current from the machine to the clients skin is called an?
The positive electrode of an electrotherapy device is called?
The negative electrode of an electrotherapy device is called an?
The most commonly used modality that is a constant and direct current is an?
Galvanic current
The process of introducing water soluble products into the skin with the use of electric current is called?
A process that forces liquids into the tissues from the negative toward the positive pole is called?
A Thermal or heat- producing current with a high rate of oscillation that is used for scalp and facial treatments is?
Tesla current
Visible light, the part of the electromagnetic radiation spectrum that we can see, makes up what percentage of natural sunlight?
The long wavelengths that penetrate the deepest and produce the most heat are?
Infrared rays
To avoid damage to the eyes of the client of practitioner with using light therapy treatments, the eyes should be protected with saturated cotton pads or?
Safety Goggles
A basic makeup that is used to cover or even out the coloring of the skin is?
Foundation bases are available is stick, cream, mineral, powder and?
Natural derived pigments or color agents added to foundations to provide color are?
The recommended foundation for light coverage on oily to combination skin is?
Water based
Foundations that provide a heaver base coverage for dry skin are?
Cream foundations
Foundation should be blended using?
Disposable makeup sponges
Concealers that are used to hide dark circles and imperfections contain talc or?
To keep pressed powder in a cake from, it is usually blended with?
Binding Agent
A makeup product primarily used to add a natural glow to the cheek or face area is a?
Generally, a darker share of eye color makes the natural color of the iris appear?
Color applied over the eye area to even out skin tones and provide a smooth surface for the blending of other colors is a?
Base color
A color in any finish that deepens and darkens the skin tone and minimizes a specific area is a?
Contour color
To avoid infection in the tear duct or permanent pigmentation of the mucous membrane lining, eye pencils should never be used?
On the inner rim of the eyes
A cosmetic preparation used to darken, define and thicken eyelashes is?
To clean professional makeup brushes, a gentle shampoo or brush solvent is used, and the brush is placed into running water with the?
Ferrule pointing downward
Color obtained by mixing equal parts of two primary colors are?
Secondary colors
A primary and secondary color directly opposite each other on the color wheel are?
Complementary colors
Three main factors to consider when choosing color for a client are the clients hair color?
Eye color and skin color
Color that are dominated by blues, greens, violets, and blue reds are classified as?
Cool colors
Skin tones that contain equal amounts of warm and cool color are considered?
Neutral skin tones
Complementary color for green eyes are brown based red, which include?
Copper, plum and mauve
The best type of lighting for color selection in the salon consultation area is?
Natural light
Foundation application should start at the center of the face and blend with?
Outward and downward monitions
A basic rule of makeup application is that highlighting emphasizes a feature and shadowing?
Minimizes a feature
The second portion of an oval-shaped type face is measured from the?
Top of eyebrows to the end of the nose
The facial shape composed of comparatively straight lines, a wide forehead, and square jaw is the?
Square Shaped face
The long, narrow facial shape with greater length is proportion to its width is the?
Oblong shaped face
To minimize a short, flat nose, a lighter foundation is applied?
Down the center of the nose, ending at the tip.
To set foundation and prevent the transfer to clothing use?
Translucent powder
In eyebrow arching, the highest part of the eyebrow arch should be from the outer circle to the?
Iris of the eye upward
A normal healthy nail is firm and flexible and should be?
Smooth and unspotted
A nail disorder is classified as a condition that is caused by?
Injury or disease
If a client has skin that is infected, inflamed or swollen that client should be referred to?
A physician
When preforming nail series on a client with nail riders running vertically down the nail plate, it is recommended that the thechnician?
Carefully buff the nail plate
A condition of the nails in which blood clots fro under the nail plate is?
Bruised nails
A common nail condition where living skin around the nail splits due to dryness of the skin is?
A localized area of increased pigment cells within the matrix bed is responsible for the nail condition?
A common term used to describe a nail with a highly curved nail plate is?
Plicatured nail
An abnormal nail condition that is the result of damage to the Eponychium or Hyponychium and occurs when skin is stretched by the nail plate is?
Nail pterygium
Parasites that under some conditions may cause infection to the feet and hands are?
Nail fungi are of concern to the salon because they can be transmitted through sanitary implements and are?
A term that should not be used when referring to infections of the fingernails or toenails is?
To prevent fungal organisms on the nial, in addition to the sanitation and disinfection of implements, the technician must properly?
Clean and prepare the natural nail plate
To avoid the spread of any nail diseases or bacterial infections it is imperative that the technician use?
Strict sanitation and disinfection practices
The lifting of the nail plate form the bed with out shedding is a nail disease called?
A bacterial inflammation surrounding the nail tissue that may be the result of excessive exposure to water is?
The medical term for fungal infections associated with the feet is?
Tinea Pedis
The technical term used to describe bitten nails is?
The naturally occurring skin bacteria that can grow out of the control and cause an infection if conditions are correct is?
Pseudomonas Aeruginosa