State Board Question Flashcards
What is an ingredient that attracts moisture from the air?
What massage has the most stimulating effect?
If your client is allergic to shellfish, what ingredients would you not use?
Algae, seaweed, squalene
Which massage has the most relaxing effect?
What type of skin is best suited for a face lift?
Sagging, mature skin
What are two ingredients to use on broken capillaries?
Horse chestnut- strengthens capillary walls, Vitamin K
Muscles that are striped or voluntary are called what?
Striated muscles
What is contained in the reticular layer of skin?
Collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid
Where is the subcutaneous tissue located?
Bottom of the reticular layer, is composed of adipose
What does the adipose tissue do?
Creates a protective cushion that gives contour and smoothness to the body.
How does the skin take in oxygen?
From the blood
Where is keratin located?
In all layers of the epidermis
Does toner constrict or dilate the pores temporarily?
Constricts the pores
If your client has a sore neck, what muscle should you massage?
What are the characteristics of a diamond face shape?
Widest at cheekbones, narrow chin and forehead
What type of skin would you not massage?
Contraindications include: HBP, heart problems, cancer, acne, sunburn, couperous skin
Under what condition would you treat a client with a communicable disease?
Never work on someone with a communicable disease—refer to a physician
What is the purpose of desincrustation?
Soften and emulsify oil and blackheads
A clay masque is best suited for what types of skin?
A dark tan is a sign of what?
More melanin in the skin
What bones make up the shoulder?
One clavicle and one scapula
If you use an alkaline soap frequently, what effect will it have on the ski?
Can produce inflammation and in some cases even burn the skin
What does a disinfectant do?
Destroy most bacteria and some viruses
How is the body balanced ?
Eat nutritious, exercise regularly, adequate rest and relaxation, avoid bad habits
How many bones are in the cranium?
What is a growth on the skin called?
What is the main purpose of the cotton compress mask?
Removing treatment mask in facials
Why are zinc oxide and titanium dioxide effective in sun block?
They reflect the sun’s rays
How is lip color applied?
Must not be applied directly from container unless it belongs to the client. Use a spatula to remove from container, then use disposable brush to remove it from spatula. Use tip of brush to line lips. Connect center peaks using rounded stokes following natural lip line
What is a magnifying lamp used for?
Analyze the skin and perform detail work
What is the wood’s lamp used for?
Illuminate fungi, bacterial disorders, pigmentation problems
What are two types of depilatories?
Shaving and chemical
How is vitamin E beneficial to the skin?
Helps protect the skin from harmful effects of the sun’s rays
What is phytotherapy?
Use of plants extracts for therapeutic benefits
What is the benefit of UVB rays?
Contribute to the body’s synthesis of vitamin D and other important minerals
What are proteins made of?
Chains of amino acid molecules which are used by every cell of the body to make other usable proteins
What layer of the skin are cells continually being shed and replaced?
Stratum corneum (horny layer)
What are two other names for the 5th cranial nerve?
Trifacial or trigeminal
How many bones are in the carpus?
How many bones are in the fingers?
Three in each finger, two in each thumb
How many bones are in the metacarpus?
Five (long slender bones in the palm)
In Chinese culture and medicine, what are the five elements?
Wood, fire, water, earth, metal
In what layer of the skin can you find nerves?
What is the surgical procedure for removing wrinkles around the eyes called?
How does the galvanic method destroy the hair?
Uses a direct current which causes the chemical decomposition of the hair follicle
What is meant by epilation?
Remove hair by breaking contact between the bulb and papilla, examples are waxing, tweezing, threading, and sugaring
What carbohydrate provides most of the body’s energy?
What parts of the body is glucose stored in?
Muscles (stored in liver as glycogen)
The skin is said to breathe because it does what?
It discharges carbon dioxide
What are the glands that excrete sweat called?
Sudoriferous glands
What are the glands that excrete oil called?
Sebaceous glands
Onyx is the technical term for what?
The nail
What are the two types of sweat glands?
Apocrine (located in the underarm and genital area) and eccrine ( all over body, mostly forehead, palms, and soles of feet
What percent of the dermis is collagen?
What is inorganic chemistry?
Branch of chemistry dealing with compounds lacking carbon
What is the name of the layer is directly below the epidermis that contains looped capillaries that are sensitive to touch and pressure?
Papillary layer
What gives skin its strength and flexibility?
Reticular layer
In what layer of skin is melanin found?
The stratum germinativum )aka the basal layer
What term is used to describe a sebum deficiency that is characterized by dry, scaly skin?
What is the chief sensory nerve of the face and motor nerve that controls chewing called?
Fifth cranial nerve
Facial masks were popular in what era?
Flaky skin cells, dry or oily, are what type of lesion?
Scale, which is a secondary lesion
What ingredient is capable of dissolving dead surface cells?
Cells of all living things are composed of what substances?
What is the basic unit of all living things?