Stat Flashcards
Roll a die once. Payoff $1 for each “dot”. Fair die. What is the ticket price of this game?
Expectation of rolling a die: 1/6(1) + 1/6(2) +…+(1/6)(6) = 3.5
Roll a die no more than three times. You can stop me anytime. Payoff is whatever (1,2, or 3) dots are there on the last roll. What is your strategy?
Must work backwards like an American Option pricing. When would you ask for a third roll - expectation of 2nd roll is 3.5. Only ask for 3rd roll if you see (1, 2 o r 3), take profit if (4, 5, or 6). Work backward to 1st roll, what is my distribution of remaining rolls? [.5{(4+5+6)/3)+(.5)(3.5)] = 4.25. Thus you would ask for roll 2, only if you see 1, 2, 3 or 4 on roll one. Value = [(2/3)(4.25)+(1/3)((5+6)/2))] = 14/3 = 4.67. We are assuming risk-neutrality. Risk-averseness would increase the cost of this game
Exchange Paradox: Two sealed envelopes. You know one envelope has m/2 dollars and another one has 2m dollars. Q1: Without peeking what is your expected benefit to switching? Q2. After peeking, what is your expected benefit to switching?
Ans1: Assuming no peeking, your expectation of switching is [ .5 * 2m + .5* .5m ] = 1.25 m. This is the benefit of .25m. Both of us should benefit from switching. Ans2: Decision becomes subjective, if I see an amount that is too high then I might not switch and vice versa. Mathematically - first response can be improved upon by looking at the nature of prior probabilities. P($m) - probability that I get $m (lower amount), E(V) - expected value of switching:::: E(V) = [E(v|$m) x P($m)] + [E( v|$2m) x P($2m)] = (+$m x .5 + (-$m x .5) = 0. The expected value is zero - thus you are indifferent - which resolves the paradox.
The correlation between X and Y is p. What is the correlation between X+5 and Y? And Correlation between 5x and Y?
Correlation between X+5 and Y is the same. Adding a number does not change anything. Similarly multiplying X by 5 also does not change the correlation.
I toss 4 coins and you toss 5 coins. You win if you get more heads than I do. What is the probability that you win?
Remember tosses are independent. Hence the binomial joint density fxy(x,y) is the product of marginals. The answer is pretty straightforward - think about it. Since you have one more coin than I do then your probability of getting a head in one extra toss is 1/2. This is the probability that you will win.
Remember the World Series problem
Work the problem backward. Like you would do it on a binomial tree
You have three children, buy only one apple. You want to toss a fair coin to determine which child gets the apple. You want each child to be equally likely to get the apple. What is your strategy?
You toss the coin twice, Child A gets the apple if both coins are heads (HH), Child B gets the apple if both coins tails (TT) and Child C gets the apple if first coin is H and 2nd coin is T. If TH comes then replay the game, this way TH is out of the sample space.
Follow up question: What is the expected number of tosses are needed to complete this strategy?
You have three children, buy only one apple. You want to toss a fair coin to determine which child gets the apple. You want each child to be equally likely to get the apple. What is your strategy?
At minimum, we know that we will require 2 tosses. We only restart the game if we see TT, hence the probability of finishing the game in first two tosses are 3/4. There is 1/4 probability that number of tosses will be more than 2. Let N be the number of total tosses,
E(N) = [ 3/4 * (2) + 1/4 * (2 + E(N)) ], solving for E(N), we receive 8/3.
A dice game. You roll a die until a number other than one appears. When such number appears for the first time, I pay you the same number of dollars as there are dots on the upturned face of the die, and the game ends. What is the expected payoff to this game?
If 1 comes, you keep on rolling till any other number other than one appears. This game should cost $4.
Fun fact: Both sides of the die sum up to seven, hence the sum of all die numbers is 21.
You are dealt exactly two playing cards from a well shuffled standard 52-card deck. The standard deck contains exactly four Kings. What is the probability that both of my card are king?
Probability = (4/52)(3/51) = (1/13)(1/17) = 1/221.
Know the conditional probabilities:
P(Both are kinds) = P(2nd is king | First is king) * P(First is king)
Monty Hall - Let’s make a deal (Logical Explanation)
Intuition: Unconditional probability of picking the door with goat is 2/3. The host will be forced to open the door that has the goat behind it. Hence you have 2/3 probability of winning if you switch vs. 1/3 for not switching.
Assumption 1: You will switch the door.
Assumption 2: You try you best to pick a door that is empty. Which has 2/3 probability.
In this case (assuming you succeed in picking an empty door), the host will show you the other empty door, hence switching yields the prize. In this scenario, we have 2/3 probability that I win by switching and 1/3 probability that I lose.
Monty Hall - Let’s make a deal (Formal Bayes’ Theorem Proof)
Assume you choose Door 3. Assume the prize is behind door 1 and host opens door 2.
Eq 1: P (B1 | H2) = P ( B1 intersect H2) / P (H2) = [P (H2 | B1) * P (B1) ]/ P (H2)
We know that P(B1) = 1/3. If you choose door 3, and if the prize is behind door 1 then P(H2 | B1) = 1. However how do we calculate P(H)?
P(H) = [ P(H2|B1) * P(B1) + P(H2|B2) * P(B2) + P(H2|B3) * P(B3) ] = [ 1(1/3) + 0(1/3) + (1/2)*(1/3) ] = 1/2 .
Plug this number in Eq 1, and we have 2/3. that is the answer.
Monty Hall Question - however the host asks someone from the audience to open the door? Should I switch my option?
Assuming that the audience member does not know the location of prize money. If he just happens to show an empty door then the audience member has blindly removed one door from sample space, and we have a 50/50 chance of winning if we switch. Hence we should be indifferent.
Two empty jars. 50 White marbles and 50 black marbles. Your are to put all 100 of the marbles into the two jars in any way I choose. I am blindfolded and someone shakes the jar up. Then I get to select at least one jar (either left/right handed) and then select ONLY one marble. No other chances. How many of each color marble I should place in each jar to maximize my probability that blindfolded random draw obtains a white marble? Another question: How would you minimize the probability of black marble?
Put 99 marbles in (let’s say) left hand side jar, and 1 marble in right hand side jar. Pick the right hand side jar and pick that one marble. Here my probability of picking the white marble is 50%, unmatched with either 50/99 or 49/99. Remember this problems is unique because I am blindfolded.
Another way to tackle this problem is by putting one white marble in the right hand side jar. (assuming I have a choice of rearranging jars)
Mr. 10, Mr. 30 and Mr. 60. Number also represents the %chance of killing someone in one gun shot. Shooting occurs in order, Mr. 10, Mr. 30 and then Mr. 60. Goal is to stay alive, if I get to shoot first, at whom do I shoot?
(1) Shoot in the air and let Mr. 30 take on Mr. 60, if Mr. 30 fails then Mr. 60 should take out Mr. 30 and then on my next turn I should take a shot at whoever survived.
Pros/Cons of this strategy: If I shoot in the air then I have an advantage in the final shoot-out with either Mr. 30 and Mr. 60 (assuming that they want to kill each other first since Mr. 10 is not an immediate threat). On the other side, Mr. 10 can shoot at Mr. 60 in order to increase the likelihood of him facing Mr. 30 vs Mr. 60 in the final shootout.
Basketball: My team is down two points. Should I take a two point shot (70% success) vs. three pointer (40% success)? If tied, I have 50-50 chance of winning in overtime.
Go for the three pointer. Expectation of taking 2 point shot and winning in OT = .7 x .5 = .35 or 35%
Parlay Card - lets you bet on the outcomes of more than one match. In order to win a parlay bet, I must be correct on each of the matches I be upon. If my bookie will give me 10 to 1 odds for a parlay bet that covers four sports matches (with no almost wins), Should I take the bet?
Assuming that each sports match represents a fifty-fifty chance of winning, my probability of winning this bet is 1/16, however the bookie is only is offering me 1/10 odds, (I am at disadvantage since my payoff doesn’t equal or exceed the odds at my probability of winning). For ex, if the bookie gives me 25 to 1 odds for this parlay bet, then I should certainly seek it. (this whole thing is based on an assumption that you are not a risk-seeker)
What is standard deviation of (1,2, 3, 4, 5)?
(1) Find the mean of dataset
(2) Subtract each datapoint from the mean
(3) Square each number from (2) and then sum them up
(4) Divide (3) by n-1
(5) Take a square root of that number. That is the standard deviation
Answer: Sqrt(2.5) = 1.5811
Russian Roulette - Revolver has six empty chambers. I load two bullets side by side. I spin the barrel, I put the gun to your head and pull the trigger. You survive, before we talk about your resume I am gonna take an aim at you one more time, do you want me to spin the barrel once more or should I just shoot?
No do not spin the barrel. Since the first shot was empty, there are three chambers that follows three more empty slots, and only one chamber follows the bullet. Hence your probability of survival is 3/4 vs 2/3 (if you spin the barrel).
You have a large jar containing 999 fair pennies one TWO HEADED penny. Suppose you pick one coin out of the jar and flip it 10 times and get all heads. What is the probability that the coin you chose is the two headed one?
Probability of picking 2H penny is 1/1000, and probability of picking a fair coin is 999/1000. Remember we are trying to calculate the probability that the coin I choose is a two headed one.
P(TH|10H) = P (TH intersect 10H) / [ P(10H) ]
= P( 10H|TH) * P(TH) / [ P(10H|TH)*P(TH) + P(10H| not TH) * P(Not TH) ] = 1/2
Four shuffled cards face down in front of me. Water, Earth, Wind and Fire. You are to turn the cards over one at a time until I either win or lose. I win if I turn over Water AND Earth, I lose if I turn over Fire. What is my probability of winning?
Read the question: It is asking that I to turn over cards TILL I win or loose. Also I need to turn both Water & Earth Cards over.
Since Wind is out of the sample space, probability of winning in the first round is 2/3, and in the 2nd round the probability of winning is 1/2.
Hence the probability of winning is 1/2 * 2/3 = 1/3
Two players A and B. They both play a marble game. Each player has both a red and a blue marble. If both present red A wins $3. If both present blue , A wins $1. If the colors do not match, B wins $2. Is it better to be A or B, or does it matter?
Both have the same expected payoff of $1, however I would better be B since he seems to offer less variance in the payoff.
If X is normally distributed with mean zero and variance Sigma squared. What is E(e^X)?
IF X ~ N(mu, sigma squared), then E (e^x) = e^( mu + .5 * sigma squared). If X is normal then e^X is lognormal.
Coin-making machine produces pennies. Each penny is manufactured to have a probability P of turning up heads. However the machine draws P randomly from the uniform distribution on [0, 1] so P can differ for each coin produced. A coin pops out of machine, you flip it once and it comes up heads. Given this information, what is the conditional distribution function F (P|H) (p) for the probability of a head for that coin?
Answer is p^2 and the pdf is 2p which is left skewed. Page 208 for the answer.
What is the expected number of tosses of an unfair coin needed to get two heads in a row (assume probability of p)? How about three heads in a row?
Start with a simple case:
N - number of coin tosses
E(N|1H) = (p1) + (1-p)( 1 + E(N|1H)) ) = 1/p (Check if p = .50, then E (N|1H) = 2.
What if there are two heads in a row?
E(N|2H) = p(E(N|1H) + 1) + (1-p)[ (E(N|1H) + 1 + E(N|2H) ] = (1+ p) / p^(2)
Similarly by argument of induction, we can show that for three heads: answer is
(1 + p + p^2) / (p^3)
In a survey of 1000 people, 60% said they would vote for Candidate A (and 40% said they would vote for someone else). How can you calculate a margin of error on the 60% estimate?
Answer is:
+- [1/sqrt(1000)] = 1/30 = +- 3%
Square Rate Tricks for multiple of 10 x 10:
$10.00 $3.16 Odd Zeros $100.00 $10.00 $1,000.00 $31.62 Odd Zeros $10,000.00 $100.00 $100,000.00 $316.23 Odd Zeros $1,000,000.00 $1,000.00 $10,000,000.00 $3,162.28 Odd Zeros
A disease occurs with probability 0.5% in the population. There is a test for the disease. If you have the disease, the test returns a positive for sure. If you do not have the disease, the test returns false positive 7% of the time. A random stranger is given a test and it returns positive. What is the probability that the stranger has the disease?
This is the application of Bay’s theorem. Let’s assume the population of 100
(1) Probability of person having the disease .5%
(2) Probability of person of having false positive: .995*.07 ~ 7%
(3) If the test is positive then the probability of that the stranger has the disease = .005/ .075 = 2/3 ~ 6.67%
How many different ways can you invest $20,000 into five funds in increments of $1000?
Stars and bars approach:
- = $1000 investment, | = $0
- ** | ** | |**** | = (5K,8K,0,7K,0)
Answer is : ( 24 4) (permutation sign)
= (24!) / (4! * (24 - 4)!) = 10,626 ways
Simply speaking: [ (N + k - 1 ) (k - 1) ] where N = N-thousand dollars invested into k funds.
You are making chocolate chip cookies. You add N chips randomly into cookie dough and you randomly split the cookie dough into 100 cookies. How many chips I should add such that probability of at least 90% that every cookie has at least one chip?
Number of chips = N (when N Is large relative to the number of cookies k and when the minimum number of chimps m required in each cookie is small) then the event that there are at least m chips in one cookie is very nearly independent of the event that there are at least m chips in another cookie. We can exploit an approximation:
k = 100 cookies, m = 1 chip per cookie. The probability of no chips in the first cookie is:
P (A) =[ (k-1)/k ] ^ N. From here it follows that the probability that there is at least one chip in the first cookie is [ 1 - [k -1 / k]^ N ]. Since each cookie has the same statistical property, with near independence, the probability that there is at least one chip in every cookie is : [ 1 - ( k-1 / k )^N ] ^ k . Solve for N. Answer is 682. 17
You will roll a fair die until the game stops. The game stops when I get 4, 5, or 6. For every 1, 2 or 3, I keep accumulating +1. If the game stops at 5 or 6, I get paid the accumulated score. If 6 comes, I get paid nothing. What is the expected payoff of this game?
N is the random number of times we roll 1, 2 or 3 (before 4, 5 or 6 appears). If I roll a die now, then there is a half a chance that N = 0 and the game stops. There is a half a chance that we get 1, 2 or 3 or otherwise we recursively back at where we started.
E(N) = 1/2 (0) + 1/2 (1+ E(N)) . Solve for E(N), and we get E(N) = 1. However there is 2/3 chance of winning E(N), since we have to roll either 4 or 5. In other words, conditional upon the game ending, we have a 2/3 chance of being paid N.
Consider four boxes in a row numbered 1, 2 ,3 and 4. We start with a pebble in box 1. We toss a fair coin. If it is heads you move the pebble one step forward one step to box 2, but if it is tails you move the pebbles forward two steps to Box 3. Then we toss again, if it is heads, you move the pebble back to Box 1, but if it is tails you advance it to box 4. If you reach Box 4 then the game is over, If I am at box 1, the game restarts with the same rule. What is the expected number of coin tosses it will take to reach Box 4?
Let N be the number of coin tosses required to reach Box 4. After 2 coin tosses, there is half a chance that you are in Box 4, and the game is over. And there is half a chance that I am recursively back at the beginning again still expecting E(N) more tosses:
E (N) = (2 * (1/2) ) + (1/2) * (E (N) + 2). Solving for E(N), we get 4.
Take a stick and break it randomly into three pieces (i.e two randomly placed breaks on the stick). What is the probability I can form a triangle?
Things to keep in mind: (1) No one piece can be of a length that exceeds the sum of the length of other two pieces. (2) Each piece must not be greater in length than half the length of a stick.
Let, x, y and 1-x-y denote the length of three separate pieces. If x and y are taken as axes of coordinates in 2D, then all ways of breaking the stick can be represented by points inside and on the triangle formed by the coordinate axes and the line x+y = 1.
Why? It must be the case that each piece has non-negative length: x > 0, y > 0 and 1-x-y > 0. Re-arranging the later inequality we get x + y < 1. Similarly, each piece must not be greater in length than half the length of the stick: x < 1/2, y < 1/2 and 1-x-y < 1/2. Again re-arrange last inequality, we get x + y > 1/2. Draw lines for each inequality and it will become obvious that the probability that we can form a triangle is 1/4.
I tell you that I have two children and that one of them is a girl (I say nothing about the other). What is the probability that I have two daughters?
- 1/3
- Look at the sample space: GG, GB, BG, BB
- Since we already know there is one girl, BB is out of the sample
- Probability of you having two daughters is 1/3
I tell you that I have two children and that one of them is a girl (I say nothing about the other). You come knock on my door and witness that a girl (my daughter) opens the door. What is the probability that I have two daughters?
- 1/2
- Look at initial sample space: GG, GB, BG, BB
- Last two are eliminated as, you notice a girl first
- Hence there is 1/2 chance that I have two daughters
You and I are to meet tomorrow under the big clock at the train station. We will meet only between 1 to 2 pm. None of us will wait more than 15 mins. What is the probability that we will meet?
- Draw a graph my arrival on x axis and your arrival on y axis
- Write 1 to 2 pm and create 4 different blocks of 15 mins between 1 and 2 pm
- Hence there will be 16 small squares
- Ask myself the following question - if I arrive at that moment (randomly), what time I have to arrive in order for us to meet?
- If I arrive at 1:01, you can come in anytime up till 1:16.
- Shade a region, where we will actually meet
- Answer should be 7/16