Start up / Take off - Order of what to do Flashcards
PM & PF: 1
Strap in / Adjust seat
PM: 2
PM & PF: 3
Set QNH & cross check
PM: 4
Request & Record Departure clearance
PF: 4
Listen to clearance and dial up squawk
PM & PF: 5
Complete scans
PM & PF: 6
Set ASI and Altimeter bugs
PM: 7
Read FMC procedures
PF: 7
Action FMC Procedures
PF: 8
Deliver PF part of emergency procedures
PM: 8
Deliver PM part of Emergency procedures
PF: 9
Deliver departure brief
PM: 9
Comment on departure brief
PF: 10
Call for “Before Start Checks TO the Line”
PM: 10
Read the “Before Start Checks TO the Line”
PF: 10
Respond to the “Before Start Checks TO the Line”
PM: 11
Deliver Captains PA
PF: 12
Ask Ground if their checks are complete.
PM: 13
ATC: Request Push and Start
PF: 14
Call for “Before Start Checks BELOW the Line”
PM: 14
Read the “Before Start Checks BELOW the Line”
PF: 14
Respond to the “Before Start Checks BELOW the Line”
PF: 15
Tell ground: Cleared Push and Start to face the _____.
Parking brake is set
PF: 16 (Engine start)
Once cleared to start:
Turn switch to GRD and holds for 2 seconds.
PM: 16 (Engine start)
Sets timer and calls:
Start valve open
Low oil px light out
Start valve closed
PF: 17
Calls for the “After Start Check List”
PM: 17
Responds to “After Start Check List”
PF: 18
Tell ground crew:
Clear to disconnect, awaiting visual clearance
PM: 19
ATC: Request Taxi
PM: 19
Clear Left
PF: 19
Clear Right
PF: 20
Tells PM “Your tops”
PM: 20
Tests tops
PF: 20
Asks PM to follow through on the rudder:
Full Left Rudder
Full Right Rudder
PM: 20
Follows through on rudder:
PM: 20
Performs checks in the turns Left and Right:
1: Yaw Damper
2: Balls
3: AI’s
4: Needles
5: Compasses
PM: 21
Acknowledge Cabin Secure and turn tag to Secure for flight
PF: 22
Calls for Taxi Checks
PM: 22
Performs taxi checks
PM: 23
ATC: Ready for departure
PF: 24
Calls for “Before T.O. Checks”
PM: 24
Performs T.O. Checks and turns Taxi Light off