Start developing Flashcards
start a development server
npx expo start
Make your first change
Open the app/(tabs)/index.tsx in your code editor and make your first change
contains the app’s navigation, which is file based. The file structure of the app directory determines the app’s navigation.
The app has two routes by two files: app/(tabs)/index.tsx and app(tabs)/explore.tsx
contains adaptive-icon.png used for Android and an icon.png used for iOS as app icons. It contains splash.png which is an image for the project’s splash screen and a favicon.png if the app runs in a browser.
ThemedText.tsx, which creates text elements that use the app’s color scheme in light and dark modes
color.ts, which contains a list of color values throughout the app
allows sharing common behavior between components
a hook that returns a color based on the current theme
this can be run with npm run reset-project. This script will move the app directory to app-example, and create a new app directory with an index.tsx file
contains configuration options for the project and is calle app config. These options change the behavior of your project while developing. submitting, and updating your app
babel-present-expo present the extends the default React native preset and adds support for decorators, tree shaking web packages, and loading font icons with optional native dependencies if they’re installed
contains the project’s dependencies, scripts and metadata
contains the rules that TypeScript will use to enforce type safety throughout the project