Stars and planets Flashcards
What makes up our solar system?
- 1 star (the sun)
- 8 planets
- 146 moons
- 5 dwarf planets
- an asteroid belt
- many comets
What are the planets in order away from the sun?
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.
Acronym for the planets?
My very easy method just speeds up naming.
The difference between outerplanets and innerplanets?
Rocky planets closer to the sun, gas giants after the asteroid belt.
What are the gas giants mainly composed of?
Hydrogen, helium and some methane.
What is earth radius?
The size of the planet measured relative to the Earth.
What is an astronomical unit?
The average distance of the Earth from the sun.
What is a light year?
Light years is the distance that light travels in 1 year and is equal to 9.47x10^15m.
How did the solar system form?
- supernova explosion
- nebula
- nebula collapses in on itself, forming protostars.
- nuclear fusion starts after the core reaches 15 million degrees.
What is a main sequence star?
One that releases energy by fusing hydrogen into helium.
Explain the layout of the Hertzsprung Russel diagram.
Luminosity (light energy emitted by the star) on the y axis. The temperature (kelvin) runs along the x axis. The x axis can be displayed as colour. Red stars are the coolest and blue stars the hottest.
What can be found in the top left of a HR diagram?
Hot, bright stars (largest main sequence stars)
What can be found on the top right of a HR diagram?
Cool and bright stars (red supergiants)
What can be found on the bottom right of a HR diagram?
Hot, dim stars (white dwarf stars)
What can be found on the bottom left of a HR diagram?
Cool, dim stars (red dwarfs)
What is the life cycle of a star like the sun?
Protostar Main sequence (fusing hydrogen into helium)(equal forces) red giant (hydrogen runs out, radiation force bigger, unbalanced so star expands)(undergoes nucleosynthesis to form heavier elements up to iron) planetary nebula (fusion ceases)(outer atmosphere puffed but core becomes denser as the gravity force is greater) white dwarf (gives out light because it is very hot) red dwarf (continues to cool and become less luminous) black dwarf (incredibly dense, cool and cannot be seen)
What is the life cycle of a star bigger than the sun?
Main sequence
red supergiant (rapid collapse from massive gravity and no nucleosynthesis)
supernova explosion (energy released is so great that elements heavier than iron is formed)
Low mass - huge nebulae (rep cycle
High mass - neutron stars (very dense made out of neutrons)
Black holes (continues to collapse on its self until an infinintely small point)