Stars Flashcards
Main Sequence
- Nuclear reaction taking place in the core (H to He).
- Most stable
How are absorption spectra formed?
- Excite
- Energy jump (Allowed)
- (Fall) Re-emit
Very hot, dense sphere of condensing dust and gas that is on its way to becoming a star
Radiation Pressure
Pressure from photons released in the core of the star
Gas Pressure
The pressure of the nuclei from the sta’s core pushing outwards
What masses of stars will become Red Giant?
0.5M to 10M
Planetary Nebula
Outer layers of a red giant have drifted off into space, leaving the hot core behind at the centre as a white dwarf
White Dwarf
A very dense star formed from the core of a red giant, in which no fusion occurs
Electron Degeneracy Pressure
The quantum-mechanical pressure created by the electrons in the core of the collapsing star.
Chandraeskhar Limit
The mass of a star’s core beneath which the electron degeneracy pressure is enough to prevent gravitational collapse, 1.44M
Neutron Star
Remnant core of a massive star after the star has gone supernova and core has collapsed under gravity yo an extremely high density (If >1.44M)
Black Hole
The remnant core of a massive star after it has undergone supernova and core has collapsed so far that for an object to escape it would need a velocity greater than the speed of light.
Therefore nothing can escape.
Total radiant output power by a star
Energy Level
A discrete amount of energy that an electron within an atom is permitted to possess
Emission Line spectra
- Light emitted from excited isolated atoms produces a line spectrum.
- Series of bright coloured lines against a dark background.
Absorption Line Spectra
Set of specific frequencies of EM radiation visible as dark lines in an otherwise continuous spectrum.
Absorbed by atoms as their electrons are excited between energy states by absorbing the corresponding amount of energy the form of photons.
Black Body
Idealised object which absorbs all electromagnetic radiation incident upon it and to maintain thermal equilibrium it emits radiation at the same rate it absorbs it
Wein’s displacement Law
LanderMAX d.p. 1/T.
LanderMAX is wavelength at max. intensity and T is the temperature (of a black body) in kelvin
Describe & Explain formation of Planetary Nebula
- The core of red giant continues to collapse.
- 10^8K = Helium Flash
- Most material around core ejected as planetary nebula
Describe qualitatively the evolution of universe immediately after the big bang to the present day (6)
1) Very Hot/ Singularity
2) All forces unified
3) Expansion = Cooling
4) Quarks/ Leptons Created
5) Matter>Antimatter
6) Quarks combine into hadrons
7) Atoms formed
8) Gravitational forces responsible for star formation
9) Temp. becomes 2.7K, universe saturated with CMBR
How did Hubble use calculations of star’s motion, together with other data, to develop our understanding of the universe (5)
1) ) Measure made of CHANGE in LANDER for many galaxies
2) Measured distances to many stars
3) Light from galaxies red-shifted
4) Calculated velocity of stars
5) Showed that V=HD
Doppler Effect
- Change in frequency
- Due to motion of source/ observer/ both
Why might Hubble’s constant not be constant?
- Gravity causes galaxies to decellerate
- Recnt evidence shows distant galaxies accelerating away
CMBR Important properties & contributions?
- Uniform intensity in all directions
- Equivalent black body temperature of 2.7K
Why do dark lines only appear at certain wavelengths?
- Discrete
- Energy Gap
- Corresponding energy
Stellar Parallax
Technique used to determine distances to stars <100Pc from earth by comparing their apparent position against distant stars over periods of time.