Stanza 1 Flashcards
‘Not a red rose or a satin heart’
Roses and hearts are conventional, common and tacky valentines gifts. By beginning the sentence (and whole poem) with a negative, she emphasises that these things do not represent her view of love and she will present a truthful and more honest representation of love.
‘I give you an onion’
This is a short, simple statement. The direct language shows her honesty and she is going straight to the truth and not dressing it up. Just an an onion has layers, so it suggests there are many depths of love and you can gradually peel them away as you get to know someone more deeply. An onion can make you cry, showing the pains of a relationship and love can make you sad or heartbroken. She is presenting positives and negatives, showing both sides.
‘Moon wrapped in brown paper’
‘Moon’ suggests a more traditional idea of romance such as lovers walking under the moon. It also has connotations of lunacy, showing that love is also dangerous and can cause a pain that prompts insanity. ‘Brown paper’ describes the colour and texture of onion skin and suggests romantic, meaningful gifts do not need expensive wrapping.
‘Promises light’
Love is a positive and fulfilling experience that links to happiness and hopefulness. Shows some optimism.
‘Like the careful undressing of love’
‘Careful’ suggests the tenderness between lovers. ‘Undressing’ is a reference to the sexual aspect of love, but also suggests gradually undressing the other one’s personality and growing an emotional and intimate bond.