Standing poses Flashcards
Learn standing poses names (english&Sanskrit) important alignments, modifications and energetic focus/effect's
Sanskrit Name
Mountain Pose
Warrior I
Virabhadrasana I
Warrior II
Virabhadrasana II
Triangle Pose
Tree Pose
What is the primary alignment focus in Tadasana (Mountain Pose)?
Feet together, weight evenly distributed, spine long, shoulders relaxed.
True or False: In Downward Facing Dog, the hands should be wider than the shoulders.
Fill in the blank: In Warrior II, the front knee should be bent directly over the _____ ankle.
What should be the position of the back foot in Warrior I?
Perpendicular to the front of the mat.
Which pose requires the hips to be squared towards the front of the mat?
Warrior I
True or False: In Child’s Pose, the forehead should rest on the mat.
What is the alignment of the spine in Cat-Cow Pose?
Inhale to arch the back, exhale to round the spine.
Multiple Choice: In which pose should the shoulders be directly over the wrists? A) Tree Pose B) Plank Pose C) Seated Forward Bend
B) Plank Pose
What is the key alignment for the legs in Triangle Pose?
Front leg straight, back leg active, feet wide apart.
Fill in the blank: In Pigeon Pose, the front knee should be at a _____ angle.
What is the arm position in Extended Side Angle Pose?
One arm reaches toward the floor, the other extends overhead.
True or False: In Cobra Pose, the elbows should be straight.
What is the alignment of the head in Bridge Pose?
Chin slightly tucked toward the chest.
Multiple Choice: In which pose should the feet be hip-width apart? A) Tree Pose B) Downward Facing Dog C) Warrior III
B) Downward Facing Dog
What should be engaged in the core during Boat Pose?
Fill in the blank: In Seated Forward Bend, the spine should be _____ as you fold forward.
What is the key alignment for the arms in Upward Facing Dog?
Straight with elbows slightly bent.
True or False: In Half Moon Pose, the top arm is extended straight up towards the ceiling.
What is the main alignment principle in the seated poses?
Sit bones grounded, spine tall.
Multiple Choice: Which pose emphasizes a neutral spine? A) Forward Fold B) Tree Pose C) Chair Pose
B) Tree Pose
What is the alignment of the feet in Chair Pose?
Feet together or hip-width apart.
Fill in the blank: In Fish Pose, the chest should be _____ as it opens.
What is the primary alignment focus in Eagle Pose?
Wrapping arms and legs while maintaining balance.
True or False: In Savasana, the feet should be together.
What should be the position of the head in Shoulder Stand?
Chin tucked toward the chest.