Standing Committee Flashcards

The Rev. Rob Donehue
Rector, St. Anne’s, Conway
Pee Dee Waccamaw Deanery
Significant Other: Davis (wife)
Kids: David (1 year old)

The Rev. Jeffrey ‘Jeff’ Richardson
Church of the Holy Communion, Charleston
Peninsula Deanery
Significant Other: Patty

The Rev. Dr. Jennie Olbrych
Currently: Interim Priest In Charge
Calvary, Charleston
Peninsula Deanery
Significant Other:
The Rev. Tom Wilson
Chaplain, Bishop Gadsden Retirement Community
Peninsula Deanery
Significant Other:

Alison Davidow
St. Mark’s, Port Royal
Southern Deanery
Significant Other:

Taylor Skardon
The Episcopal Church on Edisto
West Charleston Deanery
Significant other: Nancy
Super involved with Citadel College Ministry
Mary Dianish
Holy Cross Faith Memorial, Pawleys Island
Pee Dee Waccamaw Deanery
Significant Other:

Carrington Wingard
St. Catherine’s, Florence
Pee Dee Waccamaw Deanery
Significant Other:

Standing Committee
The Very Rev. Dr. Adam Shoemaker
Rector, St. Stephen’s, Charleston
deanery: Charleston
SO: The Rev. Courtney Davis-Shoemaker

Standing Committee
The Rev. William ‘Bill’ Watson
Priest in Charge, The Episcopal Church on Okatie
Deanery: Southern
SO: Mrs. Sallie Watson

Standing Committee
Ms. Gail DeCosta
Grace Church Cathedral
Deanery: Charleston
SO: She was widowed 7 years ago.

Standing Committee
Mr. Thomas ‘Tom’ Miller
St. Mark’s, Port Royal
Deanery: Southern
SO: Need name