Standchen Flashcards
Leise flehen meine Lieder
Slowly are my songs begging (slowly to beg my songs)
Durch die Nacht zu dir;
through the night to you (through the night to you)
Durch die Nacht zu dir;
through the night to you (through the night to you)
In den stillen Hain hernieder,
in the quiet grove downwards (in the quiet grove downwards)
In den stillen Hain hernieder,
in the quiet grove downwards (in the quiet grove downwards)
Liebchen, komm zu mir!
love, come to me! (love come to me, liebchen is diminutive of lieb, so actually it’s “little love” but that doesn’t sound in english)
Liebchen, komm zu mir!
love, come to me! (love come to me, liebchen is diminutive of lieb, so actually it’s “little love” but that doesn’t sound in english)
Flüsternd schlanke Wipfel rauschen
tender tops of trees are sparkling whispering (flüsternd = whispering, schlank = tender, wipfel = tops of trees, rauschen = are sparkling)
Flüsternd schlanke Wipfel rauschen
tender tops of trees are sparkling whispering (flüsternd = whispering, schlank = tender, wipfel = tops of trees, rauschen = are sparkling)
In des Mondes Licht; (2x)
in the light of the moon (des Mondes = of the moon, licht = light, in = in)
In des Mondes Licht; (2x)
in the light of the moon (des Mondes = of the moon, licht = light, in = in)
Des Verräters feindlich Lauschen
of the hostile listening (when not allowed) of the betrayer (des verräters = of the betrayer, feindlich = hostile, lauschen = listening when not allowed (don’t know if there is a real english word for that)
Des Verräters feindlich Lauschen
of the hostile listening (when not allowed) of the betrayer (des verräters = of the betrayer, feindlich = hostile, lauschen = listening when not allowed (don’t know if there is a real english word for that)
Fürchte, Holde, nicht. (2x)
Fears, Holde (sorry this word i don’t know!), not.
Fürchte, Holde, nicht. (2x)
Fears, Holde (sorry this word i don’t know!), not.
Hörst die Nachtigallen schlagen?
Can you hear the nightingales banging ((you) hear the nightgales to bang)
Hörst die Nachtigallen schlagen?
Can you hear the nightingales banging ((you) hear the nightgales to bang)
Ach! sie flehen dich,
oh, they are begging you (flehen = beggen)
Ach! sie flehen dich,
oh, they are begging you (flehen = beggen)
Mit der Töne süßen Klagen
with the tones of sweet complaining (mit der töne = with the tones, of sweet complaining = süssen Klagen. “Of” is included in the case, the genitive).
Mit der Töne süßen Klagen
with the tones of sweet complaining (mit der töne = with the tones, of sweet complaining = süssen Klagen. “Of” is included in the case, the genitive).
Flehen sie für mich.
are they beggin for me (flehen = are begging, sie = they, für mich = for me)
Flehen sie für mich.
are they beggin for me (flehen = are begging, sie = they, für mich = for me)
Sie verstehn des Busens Sehnen,
They understand the longing of the bosom (des busens = of the bosom. sehnen - to long. sie verstehn = they understand)
Sie verstehn des Busens Sehnen,
They understand the longing of the bosom (des busens = of the bosom. sehnen - to long. sie verstehn = they understand)
Kennen Liebesschmerz, (2x)
they know love pain (kennen = they know)
Kennen Liebesschmerz, (2x)
they know love pain (kennen = they know)
Rühren mit den Silbertönen
they move with their silver tones (rühren = to move, mit den = with the)
Rühren mit den Silbertönen
they move with their silver tones (rühren = to move, mit den = with the)
Jedes weiche Herz. (2x)
every feeble Heart
Jedes weiche Herz. (2x)
every feeble Heart
Laß auch dir die Brust bewegen,
let your breast move to (lass = let, auch = too, dir = for you die brust = the breast bewegen = to move)
Laß auch dir die Brust bewegen,
let your breast move to (lass = let, auch = too, dir = for you die brust = the breast bewegen = to move)
Liebchen, höre mich!
love, hear me!
Liebchen, höre mich!
love, hear me!
Bebend harr’ ich dir entgegen!
trembling i’m waiting for you (bebend = trembling harr’ waiting ich = i, dir = you entgegen = (in this case) you)
Bebend harr’ ich dir entgegen!
trembling i’m waiting for you (bebend = trembling harr’ waiting ich = i, dir = you entgegen = (in this case) you)
Komm, beglücke mich! (2x)
Come, make me happy (beglücke = make happy)
Komm, beglücke mich! (2x)
Come, make me happy (beglücke = make happy)
beglücke mich!
make me happy