Standards of Cover Flashcards
When was the Bellevue Fire Dept established
Jan 1 1965
What document established the Bellevue Fire Dept
Bellevue ordinance No. 698
What did Ordinance No. 6410 do
Established the BFD
what did city code 3.35 accomplish
mandates the existence of an administrative organization for the function of emergency and safety services, to include the functions of crime suppression, transportation safety, fire prevention, fire control, civil defense, emergency medical services, structural safety, community education for crime prevention and for fire prevention and control, and such other related duties as may be assigned by the city manager.
when can the Fire chief initiate communication with City Council
He cannot.the Chief’s duties include informing the Council on matters of budget, planning and policies when called upon while remaining accountable to the City Manager
who does the fire chief report to
City Manager
What is the primary means by which the Bellevue City Council reviews and approves the programs and compliance of the Fire Department
through the two-year “Budget One” process.
what does a budget one proposal do
concisely explain the services provided and the associated costs.
When do budget requests get funded
November in even numbered years.
what agency is responsible for facility management
City’s Civic Services department
what percentage of calls does EMS account for
> 78%
sprinklers are required in what size buildings
over 10,000 sq ft
how does the city incentivize residential fire suppression
by waiving service upgrade fees if homeowners install the systems.
how often does BFD submit budget proposals
every 2 years
What is Budget One
The primary change in the budget process is that all current programs, services and activities must be submitted as “proposals” in order to retain ongoing funding, expand existing funding or to fund new programs. All proposals must align with at least one of the community outcomes.
What department functions does the administrative resources support
operations, prevention, administrative support and emergency management
Approximately what is the budget for BFD
$49M with $18.7M revenue
what are the sources of BFD revenue
contracting of fire services, the funding from the Medic One property tax levy, UASI funding, Ground Emergency Medical Transport (GEMT) and BLS transport fees.
What is BFD current ration of revenue vs expenditures
What jurisdictions does BFD service
Bellevue, Beaux Arts Village, Clyde Hill, Hunts Point, Medina, Newcastle, and Yarrow Point.
how often are BFD other jurisdictions negoitiated
Beaux Arts Village, Clyde Hill, Hunts Point, Medina, Newcastle, and Yarrow Point.
What is the approximate population of Bellevue
The city of Bellevue derives is name from what?
French term for “Beautiful view”
How many square miles does Bellevue encompas
~32sq miles
what services are provided by BFD
• Fire Suppression
• Emergency Medical Services
o Basic Life Support (BLS), first response and transport
o Advanced Life Support (ALS), first response and transport
o CARES – Citizen Advocates for Referral and Education Services
• Hazardous Materials “Technician Level” Response
• Technician Specialized Rescue: trench, confined space, rope, vehicle, structural collapse, and surface
water rescue
• Community Risk Reduction
o Public Education/Outreach o Fire Prevention
▪ Newconstructionplansreview ▪ Newconstructioninspection
▪ FireandLifeSafetyinspection ▪ FireInvestigation
• City-wide Emergency Management
briefly explain the organizational structure of BFD
See link on page 22 departmental organizational chart
What is the approximate full time equivalent
for BFD
250 fire personnel
What does CARES stand for
Citizen Advocates for Referral and Education Services
Why is Bellevue classified as “urban” vs Metropolitan
200,000-resident threshold needed for the higher rating.
The Central Business District has how many Census Tracts
What is the travel time goal for High density planning zones
2 min
What is travel time goal for urban density planning zones
4 min
Demographic data for Bellevue is update how often
Where does demographic data come from
Demographic data comes from the American Community Survey (ACS)
who ultimately provides the demographic data to the American Community Survey (ACS)
United States Census Bureau
how many medic units are in BFD
how many medic units are in the BFD coverage area
how are vehicles dispatched
Currently computer aided dispatch (CAD) sends responders to nearby calls by using automatic vehicle locators (AVL) that transmit GPS locations of each
available unit. Once the CAD determines the exact location of an emergency, it assigns and notifies the closest response unit.
what companies operate out of station 2
Engine 102, Aid 102 (BLS) Medic 102 (ALS) MSO 105 MCI One
what companies operate out of station 8
Engine 108
Air Unit 108
Where does Medic 104 operate
What companies operate out of Overlake Hospital
Medis 101 (ALS)
what is the daily staffing of BFD fire stations
39 suppression and
9 Medic EMS
What is the GPM rating of BFD engines
1500 GPM
How are ladder/trucks dispatched
Both ladders are tillered aerial trucks that respond as one unit with a pumper
What is the role of the ladder trucks
their role is to support forcible entry, ventilation (vertical, horizontal, positive pressure), search, rescue, salvage, overhaul, above-ground ladder operations, and Specialized Rescue (i.e. Trench, confined space, rope, structural collapse, and vehicle rescue).
What is the BFD capability for BLS
Three type 1/type III ambulances
What is the BFD capability for ALS
four type 1/type III medic units
What is the primary role of BFD ALS/BLS
The primary role of these units is the treatment and transport of sick and injured citizens as defined by emergency medical dispatch protocols.
What is the role of the MSO
responsible for supervision of all On-Duty ALS medic personnel as well as assisting, as needed, on EMS responses. The MSO is an operations officer and may also fulfill fire-scene duties such as safety officer.
What additional capability do the ladder trucks have
the rescue apparatus has additional equipment for trench, heavy and surface water rescue.
What is MCI One
The Medical Supply Unit is a specialty apparatus that carries equipment needed for a mass-casualty incident (MCI).
What is the Air Unit
The air unit is a specialty apparatus that is capable of refilling self-contained breathing apparatus bottles (SCBA).
What is the staffing for ladder trucks
Ladder 103 and Ladder 107 are staffed with 5 personnel and the normal response is with two apparatus: a tillered aerial and a pumper.
Fire suppression personnel are trained at what EMT level
Ladder 103 and Ladder 107 are staffed with 5 personnel and the normal response is with two apparatus: a tillered aerial and a pumper.
As designated by King County what Zone is Bellevue in
Zone 1
What other agencies are included in Zone 1 as designated by King County
Zone One fire agencies include Bothell, Duvall, Eastside F&R, KCFD 27, Kirkland, Mercer Island, Northshore FD, Redmond, Shoreline, Snoqualmie, Snoqualmie Pass and Woodinville F&R
An emergency response is typically broken down into what sequence of steps:
Describe the Dispatch sequence in an emergency response
o Call processing: begins with phone pickup in the dispatch center and ends when the information from the phone interview is sent to the CAD (Computer Aided Dispatch) to determine an initial response.
▪ Each call is classified into one of 114 different“ emergencyproblems”.TheCAD automatically classifies the problem based on its scope and location with an “incident type”. Location is important because most properties have risk classifications that will affect the incident type (e.g. the difference between a single-family residential AFA and a high-rise residential AFA). Once the incident type is determined, one of 51 pre- determined response plans is chosen by the CAD. The breakdown of response plans is: 12 EMS, 17 special rescues and 22 suppression/other.
o Unit assignment and Unit notification: This step is near-instantaneous since the CAD uses the jurisdiction-specific response plan to assign the needed response apparatus to the emergency. Additionally, the CAD uses AVL (GPS) information to assign the closest available units. After assignment, Locution instantaneously and simultaneously notifies all assigned response units through an automated voice in the station and alphanumeric personal pagers. An automated voice is also sent out over an 800 MHz dispatch radio channel when airtime is available. However, station and pager notification always precedes the 800 MHz notification.
Describe the Turnout sequence in an emergency response
• Turnout: Upon notification, personnel proceed to apparatus and, if needed, don protective clothing that is needed for the emergency response. Once personnel are seated in the vehicle and ready to respond, a touchscreen entry on a mobile data computer (MDC) or a voice report over an 800 MHz tactical channel will notify the dispatch center that they are responding.
Describe the Travel sequence in an emergency response
• Travel: While driving to the call, crews may read updated information over the MDC or may receive important voice messages from a dispatcher over the tactical channel. Dispatchers can monitor the locations of response units and their progress toward the incident. The crew will use an MDC touchscreen or voice report to indicate arrival on scene. First-arriving crews on major emergencies are expected to give appropriate voice size up reports in lieu of touchscreen notifications.
What is considered a “Resource Emergency”
In the event of extreme call volume (e.g. severe weather, power outages, etc.)
Who can enact a “resource emergency”
the on-duty battalion chief, or higher, may enact a “resource emergency”.
During a “resource emergency” what changes
During a resource emergency, automatic fire alarms and most low risk incidents will only receive a single-engine response.
Explain the EMS response for King County
EMS providers in King County use a “tiered EMS response” through the Medic One System that is internationally known for its proficiency and success rates. 911 calls are answered at the call center where trained dispatchers using focused questions employ a criteria-based system to determine both the nature of the call and the appropriate level of care that is needed. Life threatening emergencies such as cardiac events and trauma with shock are given the highest response with both the nearest BLS suppression crew (either aid, engine or
lightforce/ladder) along with the nearest ALS Medic unit. Lower risk calls (e.g. falls less than 10 feet, broken bones without shock, anxiety, etc.) are handled by the closest BLS crew only.
In BFD what resources provide technical rescue response
Ladder/Truck personnel
What technical training do the technical rescue responders have?
These personnel are trained to the Technician level in; confined space, rope, structural collapse, trench and vehicle rescue
how is Hazardous Materials Response accomplished?
Hazardous materials response is accomplished through standard engine company response plans for low and moderate risk incidents. High and special risk incidents are addressed by a consortium of agencies comprising what is known as the Eastside Hazardous Materials Group (EHMG).
How is Marine and Shipboard Rescue and Firefighting response accomplished?
Bellevue has no commercial marine facilities and has not experienced a commercial marine related incident in the last twenty plus years. Private waterborne vehicle fires and medical incidents are addressed by mutual aid agreements with Mercer Island Fire, Seattle Fire and the King County Sheriff’s Office Marine Unit. Therefore, this program is not addressed in this document or in our response plans.
How is Wildland Fire Services response accomplished?
The City of Bellevue has not experienced a significant wildland fire incident in its history. There is a small area of the community that has some exposure to a Wildland-Urban Interface (WUI) type incident, and this possibility is addressed under normal vegetation fire response plans. Therefore, this program is not addressed in this document.
How does the Fire Prevention Division operate?
FPD operates under a civilian Fire Marshal and covers Fire Investigation and Fire Prevention activities. This division is staffed with 17 fulltime positions, 15 of these positions function either as plan reviewers, inspectors or fire investigators or as a combination of all three. A fire investigator is on-call at all times to investigate fires that require additional expertise and to assist Operations staff with origin/cause determinations.
What are the duties of the PIO/CLO
This officer supervises the Community Risk Reduction Specialist and functions as the primary departmental media spokesperson as well as coordinating; outreach, education, community events, Fire Prevention Week and other duties as assigned. Programs either coordinated or conducted, include; No Dragons for Tea, Firefighters are our Friends, Remembering When, Heart Health, Fire extinguisher training, etc.
How does the Office of Emergency Management (OEM) operate?
OEM consists of two and one-half full-time positions funded through the City general fund and two- and one-half- time other positions funded through grant programs. Although a division of the fire department, OEM is tasked with strengthening and managing all emergency preparedness and management programs within the City of Bellevue
How is OEM funded
OEM consists of two and one-half full-time positions funded through the City general fund and two- and one-half- time other positions funded through grant programs.
How does the CARES team operate?
CARES consists of a Program Manager who coordinates up to twenty (20) unpaid Master of Social Work (MSW) students from multiple colleges. These student advocates meet with residents who have been identified by either police, fire or other agencies as needing assistance in connecting to community resources who can provide better support than first responders.
What the CARES 1 team?
CARES1 is a response unit provided through grant funding that delivers timely assistance to non-emergency incidents by providing an immediate resource staffed with licensed MSW advocates at the time of need.
On the 2018 city survey what ranked first of the highest ranked city services
Responding to fires
On the 2018 city survey what ranked 5th and 3rd?
“Police Assistance”, and “Clean Streets” ranked fifth and third respectively