Standard Roman Orthography Flashcards
Cree has
10 consonants
c h k m n p s t w y
(check man post way)
is pronounced
as in charge or
in cats
cêskwa - wait
mîciso - eat
cî - a polarity question indicator
mîcisowinâhtik- a table
is pronounced
k (no puff of air)
as in skipper
following an h it has a softer sound
kiya - you
kîsta - you too
kiyawâw - you (plural)
kîstawâw - you too (plural)
is pronounced
p / b
as in spot
softer sound after an h
pêyak- one
pêyakwâw - once / a long time ago
pîsim - sun/month
pîsimwasinahikan - calendar
is pronounced
as in stand
also sounds like
tânisi- how / how are you?
takwâkin- It is fall
tâniwê- where (use for NI)
tâniwâ - where (use for NA)
Cree has
7 vowels
3 short vowels
a i o
4 short vowels
â î ô ê
the short
is pronounced
as in appeal
apisîs- a little bit
api- sit
awas - go away
awîna- who
is pronounced
as in it
itôta - do it
itwê - say
itwaha - point to it
isiyihkâsow- she/he is named
is pronounced
as in shook
otin- take someone
omisi- this way
otina- take it
pipon- It is winter
is pronounced like the
in doh ray me fah
âstam- come here
âskaw- sometimes
âstamitê- over this way
âha - yes
is pronounced
as in me
sîkwan-it is spring
nîpin- it is summer
wîpac - soon / early
is pronounced like the
in boot
ôta - here
ahpô êtikwê - maybe
ôtê - over here
namôya - no / not
is pronounced like the
in day
êkota- here
nêhiyaw - a Cree
êkotê- over there
nêhiyawê- speak Cree
c - c - c - c
cêskwa, cêskwa, cêskwa pitamâ
wait, wait, wait a bit.
h - h - h - h
hâw, hâw, hâw mâka
okay, okay, okay then
k - k - k - k
kâya, kâya, kâya itôta
don’t, don’t, don’t do it!
m - m - m - m
mahti, mahti, mahti nêhiyawêtân
please, please, please, let’s speak Cree
n - n - n - n
namôya, namôya, namôya cêskwa
no, no, not yet!
p - p - p - p
pêtâ, pêtâ, pêtâ kimasinahikan
bring it, bring it, bring your book
s - s - s - s
sôhki, sôhki, sôhki-sêsâwî
hard, hard, exercise hard!
t - t - t - t
tâpwê, tâpwê, tâpwê takahki
truly, truly, it is truly great!
w - w - w - w
wîcih, wîcih, wîcih kiwîcêwâkan
help him, help her, help your companion
y - y - y - y
yîkatê, yîkatê, yîkatê-kwâskohti
aside, aside, jumo aside!
a - a - a - a
apisîs, apisîs, apisîs nêhiyawêk
a little, a little, speak a little Cree! (you plural)
â - â - â - â
âskaw, âskaw, âskaw âkayâsîmo
sometimes, sometimes, sometimes speak English
ê - ê - ê - ê
êkosi, êkosi, êkosi itôta
that’s it, that’s it, do it like that
i - i - i - i
itwaha, itwaha, itwaha iskwâhtêm
point to it, point to it, point at the door
î - î - î - î
îkatêna, îkatêna, îkatêna êwako
set it aside, set it aside, set that one aside
o - o - o - o
omisi, omisi, omisi itwê
this way, this way, say it this way
ô - ô - ô - ô
ôtê, ôtê, ôtê pê-itohtê
this way, this way, come this way