What is the policy of the department regarding domestic/dating violance?
It is the policy of the Department to actively pursue domestic violence and dating violence
investigations, ensure victim safety, provide appropriate referral services, and arrest when
probable cause exist
The PSCU shall attempt to determine the following and relay it to officers responding to domestic and dating violence incidents:
- Need for medical treatment;
- Subject’s actions;
- If the subject is present and, if not, the subject’s name, relationship to victim, description and
possible whereabouts; - If the subject is aware police have been notified and/or has made any threats toward responding
officers; - If weapons, dangerous animals or other threats to officer safety are present;
- If the subject is under the influence of drugs or alcohol;
- If the subject suffers from a mental disorder;
- If there are others at the scene, including children;
- If the victim possesses a current injunction or court order;
- Prior call history at the location.
Dispatchers shall ___ cancel police response to a domestic violence or dating violence complaint
regardless if the request is made during the initial call or a follow-up call
Dispatchers shall advise the officers of the request to cancel the response
Officers shall be persistent about entering the location, seeing and speaking ____ with the victim.
If access is refused, officers shall request the dispatcher attempt contact with the victim by _____.
If access is still refused and the officers have reason to believe that someone is in imminent danger, officers shall proceed and _____.
enter the premises
Steps of the on-scene investigation should include
Interview, witnesses? provide special needs?, domestic or dating?, injuries?, history of DV? protection orders? self defense? crime scene needed?
Where injuries are not evident, a photograph need not be taken on the scene. However, it shall be noted in the ____ that photographs were not taken and the reason why.
Case Report (CR)
Arrest is the preferred response with respect to the primary aggressor when the investigating officer
has ___ to believe, under FS 901.15, an act of domestic violence or dating violence has
probable cause
Officers making an arrest shall inform the arrestee of the following:
1. Domestic violence or dating violence is a crime and the ______ , not the victim, is responsible for the prosecution and can proceed without the victims cooperation.
State of Florida
Officers making an arrest shall direct victims/witnesses to the ___ where they will be provided with the state case number, an explanation of the procedures involved in the prosecution of the case and
their role in it.
State Attorney’s Office
In assessing whether physical force was used in ____ , factors such as defense wounds, disparity in physical size, use of weapons, circumstances of the onset of violence and reasonableness of fear or harm, can be considered.
The victim shall be informed if no arrest is made, and advised that they may contact the State
Attorney’s Office (SAO) and request a review of the case. The reporting officer shall detail the reasons and justifications for not making an arrest in a
Case report
Victim Support In accordance with FS Chapters 741 and 784, officers shall:
- Assist the victim in obtaining any needed medical treatment;
- Inform the victim of the availability of a certified domestic violence center
Officer shall provide the victim with a copy of the ______ brochure and contact information for the Domestic Violence Squad (DVS)
legal rights and remedies Brochure
Officers shall advise the victim of the option to have their information exempt from public records;
and provide the victim with an _______ Form” which shall be forwarded to the Records Management Section (RMS) and the DVS
“Exemption of Victim Information
_____ provides that upon written request by the victim of domestic or dating violence,
sexual battery, aggravated battery, aggravated child abuse, aggravated stalking, harassment, or aggravated battery, any information which reveals the victim’s name, home or employment, telephone number, home or employment address, or personal assets of the victim is exempt from inspection.
FS 119.071
Officers shall see to the appropriate care of children or disabled adults as victims or dependents.
In child abuse situations, FS Chapter 415.103 requires the officer to call _____.
Abuse Registry
In accordance with FS Chapters 741 and 784, when an officer responds to an alleged incident of domestic or dating violence, whether an arrest is made or not, the officer shall complete a case report and a _______.
“Domestic Violence Supplement Report” (DVSR)
A copy of the CR and DVSR shall be ___ to the nearest certified domestic violence center prior to the end of the officer’s shift.
The victim’s name and contact information _____ be exempted from DVSRs sent to the certified domestic violence center, ____ in cases involving sexual battery, child abuse, lewd or lascivious act or indecent assault upon or in the presence of a child
The _____ shall specify “Domestic Violence” or “Dating Violence.”
Case Report
The CASE REPORT shall include:
information about 911 call,
injuries?, treatment? subject on scene? witnesses or children? injunction?special needs? victim received a copy of the Legal rights and remedies brochure?
The ____ shall not be utilized as a substitute for the case report
Domestic violence supplement report