Standard English Flashcards
- Circular structure / idea: fragility of society
The wren
–> going again and how as a society keep going
- Circular strucutre quote p2/ setting pre pandemic / character arthur
He found he was a man who repented almost everything, regrets crowding in around him like moths to a light.
- Non linear part 1 / idea: importance of art / character Miranda
“You dont have to understand it” she says “it mine”
- Non linear part 2 / character kristen / idea: importance of art
Kristen stood in suspension that always came over her at the end of performances, a sense of having flown very high and landed incompletely, her soul pulling upward out of her chest
- parallel p1 / Setting: Serven city / Idea: How human beings respond to tragedy/change/loss.
“they traded languages”
- parallel p2 / setting st. Deb / character Tyler / Idea: How human beings respond to tragedy/change/loss
“if you are light, if your enemies are darkness, there is nothing you cannot justify”
Setting –> Current society / idea: meaning of life
high functioning sleepwalkers
Idea: fragility of society p1 jeevan
Jeevan found himself thinking about how human the city is, how human everything is. [….] massive delicate infrastructure of people
Setting Post airport
There was a school here now
Idea: importance of art / How human beings respond to tragedy/change/loss.
what no one would have anticipated was that
audiences seemed to prefer Shakespeare to their other theatrical
Arthur p2: Clark and Arthur meet later in
their lives for a catch-up
dinner not long before
Arthur’s death. He realises
that Arthur has changed from
the Arthur he remembers
from their formative years.
He was performing.
Kristen p2: not unaffected by death
she knew: it
is possible to survive this but not unaltered, and you will carry
these men with you through all the nights of your life.
Clark: Clark has found meaning, finding life, beauty following the callosp
But there were many more people now, and Clark was older, and no one seemed to mind if he cared for the museum all day.
Tyler: The Symphony discover Eleanor the 12 year old who has stowed away in one of the
caravans. She tells them she has been promised to the prophet as his next wife.
“Jesus,” Dieter said. “This goddamn world.”
major quote
survival is insufficient
Idea: fragility of society kristen
humanity would simply flicker out,
Idea: fragility of society p3 clark
“it was always a little fragile, wouldn't you
Idea: Importance of art
poetry books and water bottles