Standard 4 Notes Flashcards
Air Pollution
The contamination of the air by a substance (gasses, liquid, or solids) in the amounts great enough to harm humans
Primary Pollutant
Emanating directly from the source
Ex. Carbon Dioxide, Sulfur Dioxide, Nitrogen Oxides, Hydrocarbons
Secondary Pollutants
Formed when primary pollutants react with one another or with another atmospheric components to form new harmful chemicals
What promotes the formation of sexondary pollutants resulting in smog?
Photochemical smog is also known as…
Brown Smog
Industrial Smog is also known as…
Grey Smog
The single most [potent?] air pollutant
Clean Air act of 1963 (CAA)
Emission standards for automobiles, emission standards for new industries, and ambient air quality standards for urban areas
Indoor Pollutants
Asbestos, Biogenic pollutants (viruses, fungi, feces) Formaldehyde, Radon, Mold, and other carcinogens
September 2015, 28 states elected to participate in the “?” challenge which prohibited smoking in public areas or workplaces
“Smoke Free Challenge”
The practice of establishing and maintaining healthy or hygienic conditions in the enviornment
Surface water vs Ground water
Surface water - Streams, rivers, lakes, and reservoirs
Ground Water - Infiltrates the soil
Water pollution
Any physical or chemical change in the water that can harm living organisms or make the water infit for others to use
Point Source Pollution
Pollution that can be traced to a single identifiable source
ex.) “Oil that was spilled from a nearby oil rig is now polluting the waters”
Non Point Source Pollution
All polution that occurs through the runoff, seepage, or falling of polution into the water where the source is difficult to identify