STANDARD 1 Flashcards
Standard Area 1
Reading Independently
1.1 PK A
use a variety of text during play
1.1 PK B
employ word recognition techniques
- associate some letters with names and sounds
- differentiate letters from numbers
- identify familiar words in environmental print
1.1 PK C
use new vocabulary when speaking
1.1 PK D
- demonstrate listening comprehension and understand before, during, and after reading
- through strategies such as answering questions, retelling, and connecting to prior knowledge
1.1 PK E
apply knowledge for letters and sounds to read simple words
Standard Area 2
Reading, Analyzing, Interpreting Text
1.2 PK A
identify beginning and end of a story
1.2 PK B
differentiate between real and make believe in a story
1.2 PK D
use illustration clues and story sequence to infer/predict what happens next in a story
Reading, Analyzing, and Interpreting Literature
1.3 PK A
respond to works of literature
1.3 PK B
recognize different types of genres such as poetry and fiction with adult assistance
1.3 PK C
identify literary elements (characters and events) in stories
1.3 PK D
recognize rhyming words in selected readings with adult assistance