Stalin Flashcards
Why did Stalin come to power?
Weakness of opposition?
Ideology: Real follower in Lenin and believed in Bolshevik engagement with Marxist-Leninist ideology - later changed to Stalinism
War: was active in violent attacks in the Tsarist government. Organised paramilitaries and terrorist campaigns
Weakness of opposition: after Lenin’s stroke he was weak and so Stalin used this opportunity to cut him off from the party and isolate him.
Had to share power this trostsky, zinonev and Kamenev - publically denounces z & k for trying to involve him in conspiracy. Exiled T
How did Stalin consolidate power?
Removal of opposition?
Propaganda: Soviet press took the responsibility to show the world how their leader was socially and emotionally linked with the common people. Several newspapers often published letters written by farms and industrial workers praising Stalin
Removal of opposition: The Great Purge (after failure of 5YP) used terror to confirm his position as leader by using ‘exile, imprisonment and execution’ against critics
How effective were Stalin’s social and economic policies?
Success: Five Year Plans led to rapid industrialisation (soviet newspapers glorified the achievements of communism and Stalin). 5YP Also strengthened the economy and the last 3 5YPs places a huge emphasis on Russian security and invested heavily in military Defence.
Failures: collectivisation led to protests where peasants slaughtered their cattle and burnt crops down which led to a decline resources which then led to them being sent to gulags and so production went down as there weren’t as many workers
How did Stalin treat women and minorities and education?
Education: created a system which included minimum unemployment, free housing, free education and free healthcare.
Women: 1926 marriage code, made it easier for women to divorce and re marry and so they didn’t feel tied down to family. However it caused Russia to have one of the highest divorce rates in Europe and so he made divorce more difficult and expensive and outlawed abortion in 1935.
Minorities: purges to get rid of unwanted or harmful elements in the country. Church target
To what extent did foreign policy strengthen Stalin’s control?
Positives: Kellog-Briand pact (confirmed TOV) outlawing was a means of solving disputes as it created a “barrier of peace”
Technically the Nazi-Soviet Pact as it promised 10 years where neither would attack and a secret clause for partition of Poland if either invaded
Negatives: Nazi-Soviet pact as Operation Barbarossa caught Russia off guard. Russia’s relations with foreign powers was demanded by his purges (called for continuing British app)