Stakeholders Flashcards
What does a supplier want to do?
the raw materials and equipment that I provide on credit to the business is paid for in time
What does an employee want?
my job is safe and secure
I’m being paid fairly
Name the external stakeholders
Suppliers Banks Society Environment Customers Donors Tax payers Government Unions
Name the internal stakeholders
What does a government want?
make sure the business operates according to legislation
the business pays correct VAT
What do managers want?
make sure that the business achieves its projected targets so that I am paid a bonus
What do customers want?
happy with the product or service I have purchased
don’t want to be left feeling that I have been ‘ripped off’
What do shareholders want?
Paid a healthy dividend at the end of the year
Hope that the share of my stock rises
What does society want?
Organisation to be environmentally friendly
Provide area with equipment
Give me the definition of a stakeholder
Stakeholders are people or a business who have an interest in the success of an organisation and they can influence the decisions of the organisation
What do the owners want?
My business to be well respected
Make excellent profits
What do support agencies want?
Want the business to succeed using the support and advice I have given
What do banks want?
Provide an organisation with a loan
Organisation to pay it back in time with the terms and conditions
The power a stakeholder can exert will reflect the extent to which……
Stakeholder can disrupt the business plans
Stakeholder can cause uncertainty in the business and its plans
Business needs and relies on the Stakeholder