Stains 1 Flashcards
Alcian Blue
mucin = blue (not neutral mucins), green if combined with van Gieson
good for fine detail in epith.
nuclei = red
collagen/basement membrane/mucin = blue
muscle/RBC = red/orange
calcium binding protein related to S100 and inhibin
(+) mesothelioma, (-) lung adenoCa
(-) Hirshsprung
(+) adrenal cortical lesions, (-) pheochromocytoma
endothelial cells, hematopoietic progenitor cells
homeobox gene for a nuclear transcription factor for intestinal embryogenesis
spec for intestinal epithelium
(+) GI adenoCa, but also bladder, endometrial w/ squamous diff. ‘morular type’, mucinous adenoCa of lung, ovary, cervix, testicular metastatic teratoma
(+) SCC strong/diffuse, (-) adenoCa weak/focal
diffuse cytoplasmic staining with perinuclear enhancement
cytokeratin 7: type 2 keratin, marker of epithelium; found in breast, lung, ovary, urothelium; usually not in GI or stratified squamous
- used with CK20
cytokeratin 20; type 1 keratin, marker of epithelium
melanin = black
- luminal marker for breast epithelium
- mut. = HDR syndrome (hypoparathyroidism, deafness, renal dysplasia)
- use: low nuclear immunoexpression → poor prognosis for invasive breast Ca
normal: nuclear; breast epithelium, mature T cells
dz: invasive breast Ca, periph T cell lymphoma, urothelial carcinoma
breast myoepithelial cells
blood cells, other smears nuclei = dark blue/violet cytoplasm = pale blue RBC = pale pink
Goldner’s Masson Trichrome
acrylic resin sections of undecalcified bone; mineralized vs osteoid
glypican 3
(+) HCC, (-) nonmalignant liver [but cirrhotic nodules may stain focally (+)
(+) ovarian yolk sac, (-) embyronal Ca
mutn: Simpson-Golabi-Behmel syndrome
hematoxylin and eosin
hematoxylin: basic dye, stains acidic structures purple/blue → BLUE nuclei, ribos, RER
eosin: acidic dye, stains basic structures red/pink cytoplasm, connective, rbc red
marker of cell prolif. → ribosomal RNA proliferation; nuclear stain
Masson’s trichrome
nuclei = blue
collagen = green/blue
cytoplasm/muscle/RBC/keratin = bright red
path: muscular dystrophy, cardiac, cirrhosis, glomerular fibrosis
proteinase involved in maturation of surfactant protein B, found primarily in lung and kidneyPOS
normal: cytoplasmic in Type 2 pneumocytes and alveolar macrophages
dz: RCC, pulm adenoCa, ovarian clear cell carcinoma, thyroid carcinoma
neuronal RER, clumps = ‘Nissl substance’, shows cell body and dendrites, not axon
INK4a; tumor suppressor protein by CDKN2A (9p21.3), prevents progression into S phase (Inhibits cyclin D dependent protein kinases (CDK4 and CDK6) therefore maintaining Rb in its hypophosphorylated state which prevents its dissociation from E2F transcription factor); ↑ expression in aging cells → apoptosis; function silenced in nonHPV related tumors
malig: HPV related anogenital precursors, SCC, endocervical adenoCa, uterine serous Ca, high grade serous Ca of Mullerian origin,
non-malig: branchial cleft cyst, endometrial tube metaplasia (mosaic pattern)
aka α methyl acyl coenzyme A racemase def: cerebellar ataxia (+) cytoplasmic: prostate: adenoCa, high grade PIN bladder: nephrogenic adenoma, prostate adenoCa (distinguish with S100A1); urothelial Ca colon: adenomas w/ high grade dysplasia; colorectal Ca esophagus: Barrett kidney: renal cell Ca, papillary liver: dysplasia and HCC skin: extramammary Paget stomach: adenoCa also Ca of breast, cervix, lung, ovary, melanoma
17p13; tumor supp, induces arrest of cell cycle, may force apop. by activation of BAX,
mut’n: Li-Fraumeni, germline heterozygous
nuclear stain, > 5% of nucleus = positive
Periodic Acid Schiff
periodic acid = type of iodine, oxidizes vicinal diols in sugars → aldehydes react with Schiff reagent
(+) = magenta/red
carbohydrates (glycogen), mucin (Goblet/GI, respiratory), kidney basement membranes/brush borders, intestinal brush border, cartilage, collagen (weaker?)
name: acidic protein, 100% soluble in ammonium sulfate and neutral pH
funct: regulate contraction, motility, growth , diff, cell cycle progression, transcription and secretion; structurally related to calmodulin
staining: usually cyto and nuclear to be positive
(+) neural tissue/lesions, melanoma, schwannomas, neurofibromas
reducing substances; melanin, lipofuscin, enterochromaffin
Sudan Black
lipid = black, ie. myelin
Toluidine Blue
will stain epoxy resin sections; glomerulus, nerves
mast cell granules = reddish purple in paraffin (‘metachromasia’)
thyroid transcription factor, aka thyroid specific enhancer binding protein
mut’n: pulmonary hypoplasia and neonatal death
nuclear stain:primary (+) vs secondary (-) lung Ca
pulmonary adenoCa (+) vs SCC (-)
pleural lung Ca (+) vs mesothelioma (-)
pulm small cell Ca (+) vs Merkel cell Ca (-)
reticulin = black/blue, ie connective tissue
MESENCHYME, ie. sarcoma
normal: mesenchyme
dz: mesenchymal tumors; Ca of adrenal/endometrium/thyroid; breast pseudoangiomatous stromal hyperplasia; CNS ependymoma, meningioma, pituicytoma; melanoma; mesothelioma; pancreatic solid pseudopapillary tomor; perivascular epithelioid cell tumor; renal cell Ca; salivary gland mammary analog secretory Ca; most sarcomas; testicular Leydig cell tumor, seminoma, Sertoli cell tumor; uterine mucinous Ca
carcinomas (some exceptions); Krukenberg; renal oncocytmoa; renal chromophobe Ca; thymic Ca, thymoma