Staging Flashcards
- Staging
- Key decision points
Tis = carcinoma in situ
T1a = <5mm T1b = 5-10mm T1c = 10-20mm
T2 = 20 - 50mm
T3 = >50mm
T4a = invades skin T4b = invades chest wall (not just pec) T4c = invades both T4d = inflammatory breast ca
N1 = 1-3 nodes on path, mobile palpable nodes clinically
N2 = 4-9 nodes on path N2a = fixed axillary nodes clinically N2b = internal mammary
N3 = 10+ nodes on path N3a = infraclavicular nodes +/- axillary N3b = internal mammary and axillary N3c = supraclavicular nodes +/- any others
Up to T2N1 is considered early stage
T3N0 or worse is late/locally advanced
Stage 1
• T1 NO = IA
• T1 N1micro = IB
Stage 2 • T1 N1 = IIA • T2 N0 = IIA • T2 N1 = IIB • T3 N0 = IIB
Stage 3 • T0-2, N2 = IIIA • T3, N1-2 = IIIA • T4, N1-2 = IIIB • Any T, N3 = IIIC
Stage 4
• Mets
T1a = mucosal invasion
T1b = submucosa invasion
T2 = muscularis
T3 = adventitia
T4a = invades resectable adjacent organs (diaphragm, pleura T4b = invades unresectable adjacent organs (airways, aorta)
N1 = 1-2 nodes
N2 = 3-6
N3 = 7 or more
Stage 2 or above -> neoadj Stage 2 = T3 or greater, or Tany, node + Locally advanced (T3+) or node positive tumours are candidates for neoadjuvant treatment (CROSS CRTx or FLOT periop CTx)
T1a tumours may be managed with EMR
Tumour: T1a = mucosal (lamina propria or muscularis mucosae) T1b = submucosa T2 = muscularis T3 = subserosa T4a = perforates serosa T4b = invades adjacent organs
N1 = 1-2 nodes N2 = 3-6 N3a = 7-15 N3b = 16+
IA = T1, N0, MO
IB = T2 N0 or T1 N1 (always adds up to 2)
IIA = T3 N0 or T2 N1 or T1 N2 (always adds up to 3) IIB = T4a N0 or T3 N1 or T2 N2 (adds up to 4)
IIIA = T4a N1 or T3 N2 or T2 N3 (adds up to 5)
IIIB = T4b N0/1 or T4a N2 or T3 N3
IIIC = T4b N2/3 or T4a N3
IV = M1
Early gastric ca = T1a or b, N any
T1a may be treated with EMR
T2 and above -> neoadj chemo (FLOT or MAGIC)
Tis = in situ
T1a = <0.8mm without ulceration
T1b = <0.8mm with ulceration or 0.8-1mm
T2a = 1-2mm without T2b = 1-2mm with
T3a = 2-4mm without T3b = 2-4mm with
T4a = >4mm without T4b = >4mm with
Nodes: N1 = 1 node a = on histo b = palpable c = in-transit met
N2 = 2-3 nodes a = on histo b = palpable c = includes in-transit met
N3 = 4 + nodes a = on histo b = palpable c = includes in-transit met
M1a = skin/subcut/distant nodes M1b = lung M1c = other viscera M1d = CNS
Stage 1: Tis to T2a, N0
Stage 2: T2b – T4, N0
Stage 3: any positive nodes
Stage 4: mets
Decision points:
- Do SNB for >0.75mm thick if no clinical nodes
- Adjuvant therapy for N1b or greater disease (not funded in NZ)
- Stage 3 unresectable or stage 4 is funded for immunotherapy in NZ
- Staging
- Define resectable, borderline resectable and unresectable
T1a = <5mm
T1b = 5-10mm
T1c = 10-20mm (like breast)
T2 = >20mm
T3 = extends beyond pancreas without involvement of coeliac axis or SMA (ie still resectable)
T4 = involves coeliac trunk or SMA (unresectable)
N1 = 1-3
N2 = 4+
- Stage 1 = T1-2, N0 (small tumour, no nodes)
- Stage 2 = T3 N0, T1-2 N1 (bad, resectable tumour or nodes)
- Stage 3 = T4 Nany (unresectable, no mets)
- Stage 4 = M1
- Controversial, changing
Unresectable: • >180 degrees SMA/Coeliac contact • Tumour contact with first jej branch of SMA • Distant nodal/visceral mets • Unreconstructable SMV/PV
• <180 degree SMA/coeliac contact
• Reconstructable SMV/PV
• Tumour contact with CHA, IVC, aberrant arteries
T1a = lamina propria
T1b = muscular layer
T2a = invades perimuscular connective tissue on serosal side T2b = invades perimuscular connective tissue on liver side
T3 = perforates serosa and/or invades liver and/or one other organ
T4 = invades 2 or more extrahepatic organs or invades main portal vein or hepatic artery
N1 = 1-3 nodes
N2 = 4+
Stages I = T1 II = T2 IIIA = T3 IIIB = T1-3, N1 IVA = T4, N0-1 IVB = N2 or M1
Decision points:
T1a is cured by cholecystectomy, T1b and above requires extended chole and portal node dissection
Intrahepatic cholangio
- what proportion of all cholangios?
- Staging
T1a = <5cm
T1b = >5cm (no vasc invasion)
T2a = solid tumour with vasc invasion T2b = multiple tumours with or without vasc invasion
T3 = perforates visceral peritoneum
T4 = invades extrahepatic structures
N1 = any regional nodes (hilar, portocaval, inferior phrenic, gastrohepatic)
Hilar cholangio
- what proportion?
- classification
- staging
50% aka Klatskin
Bismuth-Corlette: 1 = below confluence 2 = at confluence 3a = right hepatic duct 3b = left hepatic duct 4 = both hepatic ducts 5 = stricture at junction of CBD and cystic duct
T1 = confined to bile duct
T2a = invades through wall of bile duct T2b = invades liver
T3 = invades unilateral portal vein or hepatic artery branch
T4 = invades main vessels or second-order biliary radicles
N1 = 1-3
N2 = 4+
Distal cholangio
Tumour T1 = invades <5mm into bile duct wall T2 = invades 5-12mm into bile duct wall T3 = invades >12mm T4 = invades coeliac axis, CHA, SMA
N1 = 1-3 nodes
N2 = 4+
Manage like pancreatic head cancer - resect if resectable!
Tumour T1 = submucosa T2 = muscularis T3 = subserosa T4 = perforates peritoneum or invades adjacent structures
N1 = 1-3 nodes
- N1a = 1
- N1b = 2-3
- N1c = extranodal deposit
N2 = 4+
- N2a = 4-6
- N2b = 7+
M1a = mets in one organ M1b = mets in 2+ organs
Stage 1 = T1-2 N0
Stage 2 = T3-4 N0
Stage 3 = nodes
Stage 4 = mets
Decision points:
- Stage 3 gets adjuvant chemo
- Stage 2 gets adjuvant chemo if high risk features
Tumour T1 = submucosa T2 = muscularis T3 = perirectal fat T4 = invades surrounding structures
N1 = 1-3 nodes N2 = 4+
Decision points Give neoadj rads or chemorads for: - T3-4 - N1 - CRM threatened
(basically stage 2 and above disease)
Tumour T1 = <2cm T2 = 2-5cm T3 = >5cm T4 = >10cm (a bit like breast ca)
N1 = nodes M1 = mets
Fletcher criteria stratifies into risk category on basis of size and mitotic rate
V. low risk = <2cm, <5 mitoses per HPF
Low = 2-5cm, <5
Intermediate = <5cm, 6-10 mitoses OR 5-10cm, <5 mitoses
High risk = >5cm, >5 mitoses OR >10cm, any mitoses, or any size, >10 mitoses
Well-differentiated NETs vs Poorly-differentiated NECs
Grade 1 = <2 mitoses, Ki67 <3%
Grade 2 = 2-20 mitoses, Ki67 3-20%
Grade 3 = >20 mitoses, Ki67 >20%
All high grade
T1 = <2cm
T2 = 2-4cm
T3 = >4cm or invades straps
T4 = invades beyond straps
- T4a = invades adjacent organs or subcut soft tissue
- T4b = invades spine or encased great vessels
N1a = level 6 or 7 nodes
N1b = any other nodes
M1 = mets
Stage - depends on age!
<55 y/o - M0 = stage 1, M1 = stage 2
>55 y/o Stage 1 = T1-2 N0 Stage 2 = T1-3, N1 Stage 3 = T4a N0 Stage 4a = T4b Stage 4b = M1
Tumour T1 = <5cm T2 = >5cm T3 = invades local tissues T4 = invades renal vein or IVC
N1 = nodes M1 = mets
Stage 1: T1 N0 M0
Stage 2: T2 N0 M0
Stage 3: Tany N1, T3-4 (=local invasion)
Stage 4: distant mets
- Staging
- How to treat?
Barcelona Staging system
Stage 0: single tumour <2cm,
Stage A: single tumour >2cm or up to 3 tumours <3cm
Stage B: multiple tumours >3cm or >3 nodules
Stage C: major vessel invasion, N1, M1
Stage D: CP-C
Single tumours (0 or A) -> resect unless liver disease makes transplant a better option
Multiple small tumours -> transplant if patient fit, otherwise RFA
Multiple unresectable tumours -> TACE
Mets -> sorafenib
Poor status or CP C -> palliate
Anal cancer
Tumour T1 = <2cm T2 = 2-5 cm T3 = >5cm T4 = invades adjacent organs
N1a = inguinal, mesorectal, internal iliac N1b = external iliac N1c = external iliac plus any N1a nodes
T1 = <5cm T2 = >5cm T3 = 10-15cm T4 = >15cm
N1 = nodes (rare - usually haem spread)
M1 = mets
Grade (differentiation, mitotic count and necrosis score)
• 1 = score 2-3
• 2 = score 4-5
• 3 = score 6-8
Stage • IA = T1, N0, M0, grade 1 • IB = T2-4, grade 1 • II = T1, grade 2-3 • IIIA = T2, grade 2-3 • IIIB = T3-4, grade 2-3 or Tany, N1, grade any • IV = M1