Stages Of Clinical Reasoning Cycle Flashcards
1st stage
Collect cues/information
Review current info like handover reports, pt charts, results and previous nursing/medical assessments already done.
Gather new info with new pt assessment etc
Recall knowledge as applicable pertaining to physiology, pathophysiology, pharmacology, epidemiology, therapeutics, culture, context of care, ethics, law.
2nd Stage
Process information
Interpret the information gathered to understand signs and symptoms, determining normal and abnormal for pt
Discriminate by sorting relevant and irrelevant info. Recognise inconsistencies. Narrow info to pertinent and important. Check for gaps in cues.
Relate - discover relationships in cues, what can be grouped together, are there any patterns.
Infer by making deductions or informed opinions that follow logically from interpretation of subjective and objective cues.
Match the current situation/patient to past patients
Predict an outcome
3rd Stage
Identify problems/issues
Take facts and inferences to make a definitive diagnosis of the patient’s problem
4th Stage
Establish goal/s
Describe what you want to happen, desired outcome and timeframe
5th Stage
Take action
Select course of action from alternatives available
6th Stage
Evaluate outcomes
Effectiveness of outcomes and actions, I.e. has the situation improved now
7th Stage
Reflect on process and new learning
Contemplate what you have learnt from the process and what you could have done differently.
8th Stage
Consider the patient situation
Describe or list facts, context, objects or people.