Aim (Schaffer and Emersons study)
Aim: Resarch the changes to attachment between infant/cargiver
Findings/why he devolved the stages theory (Schaffer and Emersons study)
Schaffer and Emerson identified 4 distinct stages in the development of attachments.These make up the stage theory
Stage 1 (4 Stages of attachment)
Asocial stage- baby’s cant distinguish difference between humans/inanimate(lifeless) objects
However Baby’s does start forming bonds- which are the basis of later attachment
Stage 2 (4 stages of attachment)
Indiscriminate Attachment-Now show a clear preference for being with humans,
rather than intimate objects
Babies start to display more observable social behaviour
However:babies still accept comfort,from anyone(Indiscriminate)
2-7 months
Stage 3 (4 stages of attachment)
Specific attachment:**now formed a specific attachment **
With their primary social figure-person with interacts/responds more to the baby’s signals
Start to show signs of attachments:
1)Sepration anxiety
2)Stranger anxiety
Stage 4 (4 stages of attachment)
Multiple attachments- start to from attachments with more/multiple people
Who are:Secondary Attachments
P-(strength of Schaffer’s stages of attachment)
Research has high external validity(applicable)
E-(strength of Schaffer’s stages of attachment)
For example:most of the observations were made by the cargiver/parent
Instead of researchers who may have made the babies feel anxious/distort their behaviour
EE-(strength of Schaffer’s stages of attachment)
THIS MEANS THAT:the babies behaved naturally whilst being observed
(thus why theres high external validity validity)
Counterpoint (P) (to a strength of Schaffer and Emersons research)
On the other hand: Mothers participating as the observers creates issues
E (counterpoint)- (strength of Schaffer and Emersons resarch)
Mothers may be biased in terms of what they noticed and record
For example:A mother may not notice their baby is showing signs of anxiety
EE-(counterpoint) (to a strength of Schaffer and Emerson’s resarch)
This means:even though the baby may behave naturally(good)
Their behaviour may not be accurately recorded (counter-argument)
P-(2ND strength of Schaffer ad Emerson’s stages)
The stages have real world applicability
E-(2ND strength of Schaffer ad Emerson’s stages)
For example: the stages have been applied to day cares
Starting day care In the asocial(1 stage) and the indiscriminate(2nd stage)
Day care is straightforward(as babies can be comforted by anybody)
Whereas starting in the specific stage(3) day care is problematic(starting day care with an unfamiliar adult/harder to comfort them)
EE-(2ND strength of Schaffer ad Emerson’s stages)
This means that:Parents use of day care can be planned better using Schaffer/Emerson’s stages
P-(WEAKNESS of Schaffer ad Emerson’s stages)
Low internal validty
EE-(WEAKNESS of Schaffer ad Emerson’s stages
As:mothers at over or under exaggerate their babies babies to come off as “good mother”
For example:not recording their babies separation anxiety
EE-(WEAKNESS of Schaffer ad Emerson’s stages)
This matters because:it leads to less genuine behaviour, which decreases the credibility
of Schaffer/Emerson’s study