Stages of Anesthesia Flashcards
Stage 1 Analgesia and Sedation, Relaxation
Begins with induction and ends with loss of consciousness (int: close operating room doors, dim lights, control traffic) patient feels drowsy and dizzy, has a reduced sensation to pain, and is amnesic (int: position patient securely with safety belts); hearing is exaggerated (keep discussions about patient to a minimum)
Stage 2 Excitement, Delirium
Begins with loss of consciousness and ends with relaxation, regular breathing, and loss of the eyelid reflex (int: avoid auditory and physical stimuli); Patient may have irregular breathing, increased muscle tone, and involuntary movement of the extremities during this stage (int: protect the extremities); Laryngospasm or vomiting may occur (int: assist the anesthesiologist or CRNA with suctioning as needed); Patient is susceptible to external stimuli (int: stay with patient)
Stage 3 Operative Anesthesia, Surgical Anesthesia
Begins with generalized muscle relaxation and ends with loss of reflexes and depression of vital functions (int: assist the anesthesiologist or CRNA with intubation); The jaw is relaxed, and breathing is quiet and regular (int: prep (scrub) the patient’s skin over the operative site as directed) The patient cannot hear; Sensations are lost
Stage 4 (Danger)
Begins with depression of vital functions and ends with respiratory failure, cardiac arrest, and possible death (int: prepare for and assist in treatment of cardiac and/or pulmonary arrest.); Respiratory muscles are paralyzed; apnea occurs (int: document occurrence in the patient’s chart.); Pupils are fixed and dilated