It is a process that begins at birth and does end until death.
Human Growth Development
Life Stages
A. Infancy
- Birth to 1 year
B. Early Childhood
- 1 to 6 years
C. Late Childhood
- 6 to 12 years
D. Adolescence
- 12 to 20 years
E. Early Adulthood
- 20 to 40 years
F. Middle Adulthood
- 40 to 65 years
G. Late Adulthood
- 65 years above
Four Main Types of Growth and Development
- Physical
- Mental
- Social
- Emotional
Refers to body growth and includes height and weight changes, muscle and nerve development, and change in the body organs.
- Physical
Refers to the development of the mind and includes learning how to solve problems. Make judgements, and deal with situations.
- Mental
Refers to interactions and relationship with other people.
- Social
- Refers to feelings and includes dealing with love, hate, joy, fear, and other similar feelings.
- Emotional
- Physical Development: Muscular and Nervous System developments are histrionic.
- Reflex action: Present at birth can allow the infant to respond the environment. Include the Moro, or the startle.
- Muscle coordination:
- At first infants are able to lift the head slightly.
- By 2 months, they can roll form the side to back.
- 4-6 months, they can turn the body completely, grasp stationary objects and with support.
- 6-7, they can crawl on the stomach
- 12 mons- they can walk without assistance and throw small objects.
- Usually have 10 to 12 teeth by the end of the first year.
- Vision: Close vision is good, can readily focus on small objects.
- Sensory: Sensitivity to hot and cold, and hearing.
Emotional Development
- Observed very early in life.
- Newborns show excitement.
- By 4 to 6 months of age, distress, delight, anger, disgust, and fear can often be seen.
- By 12 mons, elation and affection for adults is evident.
Social Development
- Progresses gradually from the self-centeredness concept .
- Stimulation is essential for mental growth .
- Love and security are essential for emotional and social growth.
Physical Development
- Growth is slower than during infancy.
- Skeletal and muscle development helps the child assume a more adult appearance.
- Muscle coordination allows the child to run and move freely.
- By age of 2 or 3, most teeth have erupted, and the digestive system is mature enough to handle most adult foods.
- Between to 4 of age, most children lean to control bladder and vowel movements.
Early Childhood
Mental Development
- Advance rapidly during early childhood.
- Verbal growth progresses from the use of several words at age 1 to a vocabulary of 1,500 to 2,500 words at age 6.
- Two year olds have short attention spans but are interested in many different activities.
- Four year olds ask question frequently.
- By age 6, children are very verbal and want to learn to write and read.
- Memory has developed to the point where the child can make decisions based on both past and present experiences.
Early Childhood
Emotional Development
- Age 1 to 2: Children begin to develop self-awareness.
- Children feel impatience.
- Anger, often forms “Tantrums”.
- From Ages 4 to 6, children understand the concept of right and wrong.
- By age 6, most children also show less anxiety when faced with new experiences.
Early Childhood
Social Development
- Very sociable and usually attached to their parents and they fear any separation.
- Have an interest on others.
- Must be taught to be responsible and must learn how to conform rules.
Early Childhood