Stage 68 Flashcards
How does an Aft CG affect a/c stability and performance?
- Decreased stability about the longitudinal axis
- Increased cruise speed and climb rate
- Lower stall speed and Va
- Harder to recover from stall/spin
Why does Va change with weight?
- As weight increases, you must fly the a/c at a higher AOA to maintain straight and level flight (therefore closer the CAOA)
- The heavier the a/c is, the less susceptible it is to experiencing excess Gs from unaccepted gusts, therefore heavier a/c can fly at a faster speed and not worry about being subject to structural damage
How would you leave an uncontrolled airport that is in Class E airspace, and is below VFR weather minimums?
Special VFR!
- NEED: ATC clearance, 1sm, remain clear of clouds
- AT NIGHT: Instrument rated and IFR equipped
When flying in a non-pressurizes a/c, when must the pilot use O2?
- Cabin pressures between 12,500’-14,000’ MSL exceeding 30 minutes
- Any time about above 14,000’ MSL
At what flight level must your passengers be provided O2?
- At cabin pressures above 15,000’ MSL
What are the 3 types of O2 Delivery Systems?
- Continuous Flow
- Diluter Demand
- Pressure-Demand
What are the 2 types of Pressurization Systems?
- Sealed Cabins - Carry own O2 that is contiuously purified and recycled (limited supply)
- Pressurized Cabins - Forces ambient air into cabins
- Isobaric Control: Constant pressure
- Isobaric Differential: Pressure varies with altitude
What are the 3 types of “Aviators Breathing Oxygen”
- Gaseous
- Liquid
- Solid (Sodium candles)
What are the differences between commercial and private pilot privileges?
- A commercial pilot can fly for compensation or hire for an air carrier
(135, 121) if appropriate requirements are met - Can be a corporate pilot operating under pt. 91
- 119.1 (e) 1-10
Why are these so many more rules for flying an a/c as opposed to driving a car?
The FAA wants to ensure that people who desire to pay for air transport are AS SAFE AS POSSIBLE
When does medical emergency constitute pilot deviation from the FARs?
not on the ground
Does flight instruction always need to end where it began?
No, if the flight experience is legit then its fine! However flight instruction CANNOT be a pretext for providing air transportation!
What precautions should be taken when operating a corporate a/c under Part 91
- Only operate at the OWNER’S purpose and expense
Do you have to have aeronautical experience/knowledge to have operational control of the a/c?
- No
- Operational control, with respect to a flight, means the exercise of authority over initiating, conducting, or terminating a flight
How do fractional ownership programs avoid violation?
- Sub-Part K
- When a fractional owner is using the a/c for their own purposes, they assume operational control
Explain Goodwill
- When you do not charge people for a service that you’ve provided and claim it is Part 91
- This is illegal because you are assuming that this act will result in future business with the individual
What regulations govern scheduled air carriers (airlines)?
Part 121
What regulations govern unscheduled, air taxi and charter operations?
Part 135
What kinds of services can you LEGALLY be compensated for as a Commercial Pilot?
- 1 (e) 1-10
- Student Instruction
- Ferry/training flights
- Nonstop Air Tours within 25sm
- Nonstop parachute operations within 25sm
- Aerial work (crop dusting, banner towing, fire fighting)
- Emergency mail service
- Candidates for election (91.321)
What are the limitations of a Commercial Pilot?
- Cannot fly passengers 50nm+ OR at night without an instrument rating
Can you be compensated for student instruction as a commercial pilot?
What is meant by “Wet-Lease”? Is this legal?
- If you rent and a/c AND hire pilots from the same business
- When 1 business has Operational Control over all phases of flight but is not under Part 135/121
- NO, this is NOT LEGAL!
What kind of inspection program does UND have?
- Progressive Inspection
- Allows for more frequent but shorter inspection phases
- As long as all phases are completed within 12 cal month, Annual and 100-hour are satisfied
How does weight affect stall speed?
As weight increases, stall speed increases!
What factors affect stall speed?
- Load Factor
- Weight of a/c
- Air Density
- Flaps (coefficient of lift)
What affects does humidity and pressure have on performance?
Increased Humidity = Decreased Pressure
- Decreased performance bc less air molecules
What is Va
Va = Maneuvering speed (green arc)
- Stall the a/c before it breaks
- Cruise speed in gusty conditions
What is Vno
Vno = Max. structural cruising speed in smooth air (beginning of yellow arc)
- Never exceed in gusty conditions
- A/c could be subject to excess Gs
Are both wings stalled in a spin?
Yes, the lower wing is stalled more
4 phases of a spin and descriptions?
- Entry - Forces applies
- Incipient - First 2 turns, forces unbalanced
- Fully Developed - Forces reach equilibrium
- Recovery - Corrective forces applied
How long is Federal Registration good for? When would it become invalid?
- 3 years
- If owner dies, ownership changes, a/c is destroyed
What is a Radio License needed? How long is it valid?
- International flights
- Good for 10 years
What are the 4 parts of the MEL?
- Master MEL
- Procedures and Documents
- Preamble
- Letter of Authorization
What kind of medical do you have? How long is it valid?
- 1st class
- Commercial privileges for 12 cal months
- Then drops to 3rd class privileges
How do you get an MEL?
Contact the FSDO
What do you do if you have broken equipment and DO NOT have an MEL?
- 213
- VFR-Day type cert
- Kinds of Operations Lists
- 91.205
- ADs
Is there ever a situation where you would be able to fly an un-airworthy aircraft?
Yes, with a special flight/ferry permit
If you see “FM” this indicates weather conditions are:
Changing RAPIDLY (usually in less than 1 hour)
If you see “BCMG” this indicates weather conditions are:
Changing gradually over a period of time
When is a SPECI issued?
45 degree or 10 knots wind shift
Do METARs give winds in true or magnetic?
Are winds aloft given in true or magnetic?
What is Special VFR? What are the requirements?
- A way to leave a controlled airport that has dropped below VFR weather mins to get to a place with VFR
NEED: ATC Clearance, 1 sm, and remain clear of clouds.
~must have instrument rating and be IFR equipped at night~
What does a Servo Regulator do?
- Meters fuel flow proportionally with air flow
- Maintains the manual mixture setting
What is a wet-sump?
Lubricating system that uses the crankcase as a built in reservoir for oil, as opposed to an external/secondary reservoir used for dry-sumps
What kind of Electrical System do we have?
- 28 Volt DC system
- 24 Volt Main battery
- 60 Amp Alternator (Belt-Driven)
What causes Hyperventilation? Corrective actions?
- Lack of CO2
- Breathe in a bag, talking
What causes middle ear and sinus problems? Corrective actions?
~Usually a desent problem~
- Trapped gas due to a blocked Eustachian tube
- Chew gum, yawn, valsalva
One of you passengers is experiencing motion sickness. What can you do to help them?
- Fresh air
- Tell them to focus on objects outside of the cabin
- Avoid head movement