Stage 46 Flashcards
Translate to English:
afferō, afferre, attulī, adlātum
Translate to English:
arguō, arguere, arguī, argūtum
declare, allege; show, prove
Translate to English:
commodō, commodāre, commodāvī, commodātum
give, supply
Translate to English:
ēgregius, ēgregia, ēgregium
excellent, outstanding, remarkable
Translate to English:
expōnō, expōnere, exposuī, expositum
unload; set out, explain; expose
Translate to English:
exsistō, exsistere, exstitī, exstitum
be actually; appear
Translate to English:
fateor, fatērī, fassus sum
admit, confess
Translate to English:
foedus, foederis, n.
treaty, agreement, bargain
Translate to English:
glōria, glōriae, f.
Translate to English:
imāgō, imāginis, f.
image, picture, bust, death mask; reflection
Translate to English:
inimīcitia, inimīcitiae, f.
enmity, hostility
Translate to English:
potius quam
rather than
Translate to English:
as long as
Translate to English:
ratiō, ratiōnis, f.
reason; accounting; procedure, manner
Translate to English:
repellō, repellere, reppulī, repulsum
repel, push back, rebuff
Translate to English:
sūmō, sūmere, sūmpsī, sūmptum
Translate to English:
trupis, turpis, turpe
shameful, disgraceful
Translate to English:
vitium, vitiī, n.
sin, fault, failure, vice, weakness
Translate to Latin:
afferō, afferre, attulī, adlātum
Translate to Latin:
declare, allege; show, prove
arguō, arguere, arguī, argūtum
Translate to Latin:
give, supply
commodō, commodāre, commodāvī, commodātum
Translate to Latin:
excellent, outstanding, remarkable
ēgregius, ēgregia, ēgregium
Translate to Latin:
unload; set out, explain; expose
expōnō, expōnere, exposuī, expositum
Translate to Latin:
be actually; appear
exsistō, exsistere, exstitī, exstitum
Translate to Latin:
admit, confess
fateor, fatērī, fassus sum
Translate to Latin:
treaty, agreement, bargain
foedus, foederis, n.
Translate to Latin:
glōria, glōriae, f.
Translate to Latin:
image, picture, bust, death mask; reflection
imāgō, imāginis, f.
Translate to Latin:
enmity, hostility
inimīcitia, inimīcitiae, f.
Translate to Latin:
rather than
potius quam
Translate to Latin:
as long as
Translate to Latin:
reason; accounting; procedure, manner
ratiō, ratiōnis, f.
Translate to Latin:
repel, push back, rebuff
repellō, repellere, reppulī, repulsum
Translate to Latin:
sūmō, sūmere, sūmpsī, sūmptum
Translate to Latin:
shameful, disgraceful
trupis, turpis, turpe
Translate to Latin:
sin, fault, failure, vice, weakness
vitium, vitiī, n.