Stage 30 Flashcards
- so far, thus far, hitherto, still
afficiō, afficere, affēcī, affectum
- to affect
ambō, ambae, ambō
- both (of objects occurring in pairs)
2. the two (when the duality of the objects is assumed to be known)
cōnsulō, cōnsulere, cōnsuluī, cōnsultum
- I consult, reflect, take counsel.
creō, creāre, creāvī, creātum
- I create, make, produce.
- I beget, give birth to.
- I prepare, cause.
- I choose.
dēmittō, dēmittere, dēmīsī, dēmissum
- I send or bring down, cause to hang or fall down; drop, flow, shed, sag, sink, lower, put down, let fall
- I cast down, throw, thrust, plunge, drive.
- (with se) I let myself down, stoop, descend, walk or ride down.
- (military) I send, bring or lead soldiers down into a lower place.
- (figuratively) I cast down, demote; depress, dispirit.
- (figuratively) I engage in, enter or embark upon, meddle with.
dīves m.f.n., dīvitis
- rich, wealthy
- (of land) productive, fertile
- talented
dīvitiae, dīvitiārum, f. pl.t.
- riches, wealth
dubium, dubiī, n.
- doubt
exstruō, exstruere, exstruxī, exstructum
- I pile, heap or build up
2. I construct
fēstus, fēsta, fēstum
- Of or pertaining to holidays; festive, joyful, merry.
iniūria, iniūriae, f.
- injury, wrong, offense, insult
- injustice, wrongdoing
- damage, harm, hurt, injury
lūdus, lūdī, m.
- school
- game, sport, play
- (in plural) public spectacle, games
- fun
magister, magistrī, m.
- master, foreman
2. teacher
nātus, nāta, nātum
- born, arisen, made
nimis (not comparable)
- too, too much, excessively
omnīnō (not comparable)
- entirely, utterly altogether, wholly, completely
2. (with negatives or numerals) at all, in all, altogether, only, but, just
opus, operis, n.
- work, accomplishment, construction
2. need
pallēscō, pallēscere, palluī (no passive)
- to grow pale
pavor, pavōris, m.
- The act of trembling, quaking, throbbing or panting with fear.
- Fear, alarm, terror, fright, panic
- Fear through expectation, dread, thrill, anxiety, trepidation.
praestō, praestāre, praestitī, praestātum
- I stand before.
- I am outstanding; I excel.
- I provide, supply.
- To show, display
praetereā (not comparable)
- besides, moreover
- thereafter, henceforth
- in addition
- why?
sēdēs, sēdis, f.
- seat, chair
2. place, residence, settlement, habitation
sepulcrum, sepulcrī, n.
- A grave, burial place.
2. A tomb, sepulchre.
sōl, sōlis, m.
- sun
soror, sorōris, f.
- sister
- cousin, daughter of a father’s brother
- female friend
strepitus, strepitūs, m.
- wild din, noise, crash
2. (poetic) a measured sound
tempestās, tempestātis, f.
- storm, tempest
- weather
- season
timor, timōris, m.
- fear, dread