Stage 3 - In Horto Flashcards
Lúcia recites a story.
Lúcia fabulam recitat.
Metella sits in the garden and listens to her daughter.
Metella in hortō sedet et filiam audit.
Melissa works in the garden.
Melissa in horto laborat.
Melissa also listens to Lúcia.
Melissa quoque Lüciam audit.
Cerberus enters the garden and looks around.
Cerberus hortum intrat et circumspectat.
Look! The dog walks to the kitchen.
ecce! canis ad culinam ambulat.
“Hercules comes to the Underworld,” says Lúcia.
Hercules ad Orcum venit, “ inquit Lúcia.
A great dog guards the door in the Underworld.
magnus canis iānuam in Orco custodit.
Hercules captures the great dog.
Hercules magnum canem capit.
The dog barks fiercely.
canis feröciter lātrat.
Suddenly Grumio enters the garden.
subito Grumio hortum intrat.
Grumio leads Cerberus from the kitchen.
Grumio Cerberum é culina ducit.
The dog barks.
canis lätrat.
The cook is not happy.
coquus non est laetus.
Lúcia watches Grumio.
Lücia Grumionem spectat.