Stable isotopes Flashcards
What do we need to understand about food webs - why stable isotopes are important.
What are the rules and properties of these networks?
What are the regulating/control mechanisms within them?
Do these feeding links define important rules of thumb that may be helpful to management?
Strengths of stomach contents data
- High taxonomic resolution - identify individual species and sizes of things
- Technologically simple - dissecting kit and microscope
- Tried and Tested - a lot of data has come out of it
- A snapshot in time - detailed snapshot at a point in time and at a location
Weaknesses of food web gut contents data
- Incomplete diet (e.g. mucus) - a lot of things feed on gelatinous things, some things break down and cannot be identified
- Assumed diet trophic level - still. Underlying assumptions we have to make.
- Long term means allowing no variation in space/time (because it is a snapshot). Often have to test these patterns have to be tested spatially.
- Data can be v. limited - have to catch and kill a lot of animals (a lot of predators feed intermittently - 50%
- High sampling effort
- ‘Net contamination’ - opportunistically feed in net
Alternatives to stomach content analysis
Other approaches: (1) Scat analysis – useful in large animals e.g. mammals, utilises hard structures e.g. otoliths, beaks
Cephalopods from beaks
(2) Fatty acid profiles - some prey have characteristic FA profiles … used as tracers
How do you calculate the trophic level from stomach content analysis?
By looking at the trophic level and the of the diet of known prey in the stomach.
assume: diet fully characterised and quantified (totally made up from the components that you did the calculations with), that the prey TLs correct, and that it reflects the long term mean
Require: long-term diet quantitative data, known prey TPs at the temporal scale of isotopic turnover
What is an isotope?
Isotope = atoms of the same element …differing in atomic weight…identical in chemical properties, and in all physical properties except those determined by the mass of the atom.
Most of the carbon in our bodies is carbon 12, with some C13. This has implications on how it forms and breaks bonds.
How is the data from stable isotope analysis used?
δ𝐻𝑋=[((“Rsample − Rstandard)” )/”Rstandard”] × 1000
- Delta value – for expressing the ratios of heavy and light isotopes
- Delta 13 carbon – a relative abundance of the heavier isotope
- Multiply by 1000 because the natural abundances of the heavier carbon are very low
International standards
- Standards vary with the element:
- Carbon standard = Pee Dee Belemnite (PDB),
- Nitrogen standard = Atmospheric N2
What is isotope fractionation?
- Isotope fractionation = differential partitioning of isotopes between two compounds
- The heavy isotope has higher bond strength and slower reactions.
- Light elements e.g. H, C, N, O, and S. are more likely to exhibit isotopic fractionation than heavy elements.
- The difference in bonding strength and reaction rates proportional to the mass difference
Why does fractionation occur as the matter is passed up trophic levels?
Excretion/Respiration: production of metabolites with light isotopes in deamination/transamination (heavy isotopes become concentrated).
Assimilation fractionation: preferential use of heavy isotopes during protein biosynthesis.
Fractionation between diet and consumer assumed constant, level assumed (per ml not % due to the times 1000):
Δdelta 5N = +3.4 ‰ - useful proxy for trophic position
Δdelta 13C = +1.0‰ - good tracer of different sources in the food web.
How would you measure the trophic position of an organism using stable isotope data?
The trophic level of the base plus 15 N of the sample - 15 n of base / 3.4
- Assumptions: per-TL fractionation (known and constant, ie. Δδ15N value
- Need to pick a suitable baseline organism and get the trophic level of the baseline organism right.
What are the implications and constraints of working out trophic levels using 15N?
- rely on fewer samples than stomach content
- give a time-integrated signal of what the animal is feeding on
- length of food-chains
- productivity - if we have two statistically different sources you have the possibility of looking at the relative importance of those two components of the diet inside the food web
- fishing effects or MPAs etc
- 3.4 is a good average, but values can range a lot
- identification of a good ‘baseline’ - knowing what the trophic level of the sample species is
Stable isotope proxy of production sources.
How can you work out what a consumer species is eating using C12?
If you know the carbon 12 of the sources, you can work out the ratio of which the carbon in the consumer.
What are the assumptions, constraints and implications of working out the stable isotope proxy of production sources?
- per-TL fractionation (Δδ13C) small (Not always 1 part per ml)
- δ13C of sources accurately measured
- source data may variable
- sources indistinguishable
- more sources more uncertainty
- sources not included
- sources of productivity, conservation prioritization, ecosystem modelling etc
What is isotopic routing?
- The idea of isotopic ‘routing’: need at least to compare like with like. (muscle with muscle, liver with liver etc)
- Differences in 13C, especially because fats, fractionate differently
Explain the issue of variability in stable isotope research issues.
Sweeting CJ et al. (2005) Functional Ecology
Looking at Variability among tissues: European seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax) in the lab.
The standard deviation shows samples from the liver are much more variable than that of the muscle.
What variability in different tissues variability when looking at stable isotope data provides an opportunity
Tissues vary in both growth (dilution) and repair (replacement)
Slow tissues integrate any changes over longer periods than fast tissues.
The two tissues may offer proxies at two-time scales in the same consumer
Slow time over tissues will let you know what is going on over longer timescales
Blood or liver is fast turn over, white muscle or sometimes bone is slow turnover
Pinnegar JK et al. 2001 Journal of Fish Biology
relationship in 15N of parasite and its host
Some consumers may do it differently e.g. parasites on fish
For these consumers, apparently 15N <<< 15N diet (but do we know what’s going on?)
- biology of parasites - able to be quite selective about what proteins etc they take up form the host
Stable isotope research issues
- metabolism of the isotopes is complicated
- digestion, absorption, assimilation into tissues and then excretion and then respiration
- If the animal is not feeding, they will be excreting more lighter isotopes building in their body - accumulating from their own tissues
- Starving or intermittent feeders .g. some large carnivores opportunistic feeders.
- The growth rate is an important driver
- Lower 15N in fish growing more rapidly
What insights can the timescales stable isotope analysis occurs over give?
Barnes C et al. (2008) Oecologia
Variability within European seabass tissues suggests long term differences in feeding behaviour from individuals.
Significant variability within tissues: not just size, suggests e.g. different feeding strategies.
Dilution – fish keep on growing through there lives,
- Animal isotopic signature derived from the dietary signature
- Atoms generally only go through absorption and assimilation once, therefore HX does not increase indefinitely
- Once constructed a tissue’s component signature is set but the tissue can change
Stomach content data – last 24 hours
Liver – whats happened over a timescale of say a few weeks
Muscles – give the picture over – say a month
weaknesses of stable-isotope approaches
- Robustness/variability of trophic step fractionation? - need to get the value right although there is lots of variabilities. Scientists are trying to find patterns - size ect
- Tissue-specific fractionation?
- Different modes of SI fractionation and tissue turnover effects?
- Simplification of food web complexity?
- looking at different types of prey and production source - low taxonomic detail
Strengths of stable-isotope approaches
- Avoid biases in traditional diet studies, complement other approaches
- ‘Fingerprinting’ of food webs
- Highlight some important pathways
- Important structural details such as trophic level, aspects of omnivory
- Stomach content - may not utilise all the matter in the stomach
Opportunities of stable-isotope approaches
- Large-scale changes in fish and fishery trophodynamics and food webs
- Long-term studies (e.g. bones)
- Different time scales e.g. fast and slow tissues
- Fundamental understanding of food web processes
- Compound-specific approaches
- variation in population with respect to feeding strategies of individuals. Big divergences could have big impacts on things like competition. - could tell us how adaptive a population is to future changes in the environment.
Compound-specific approaches -
- usually look at bulk tissues - booking at the isotope signatures of a whole bunch of biochemicals. By looking at compounds specific you may be able to cut out a lot of variabilities. Essential amino acids don’t change in their stable isotope composition whereas things synthesised by the host animal do. By comparing these essential and trophic amino acids you might be able to derive an estimate of trophic position. MIght also be a much better estimate of trophic position.
PCA shows great power to discriminate among major production sources in the sea e.g. algae vs terrestrial plants