Stability Flashcards
What is the correct definition for static balance?
The ability to maintain a base of support with minimal movement
What is the correct definition for dynamic balance?
The ability to maintain a stable position whilst performing a task
Which receptor type helps with proprioception?
Kinanesthesia refers to the awareness of the position and movement of the parts of the body by means of sensory organs, true or false?
An afferent response is a message that sends a signal to the brain based on proprioceptive input, true or false?
An efferent response is an appropriate response from the brain based on an afferent input, true or false?
What does the following definition refer to?
An ability to sustain body equilibrium by maintaining the centre of mass with the base of support limits.
Postural Stability
Which passive tissue that help with joint stability?
Are deficits in stability due to a MCL sprain an example of mechanical instability?
Which tests assesses dynamic balance?
Modified BASS test
Star excursion
Definition of proprioception.
Ability to integrate sensory signals from the mechanoreceptors to determine
body segment positions and movements in space
What is neuromuscular control?
The interaction of the nervous and muscular system to
create coordinated movement to maintain and restore
functional movement.
- Appropriate efferent response to afferent proprioceptive input
- Proprioceptive input is vital for neuromuscular control
Feedback is a corrective
response following afferent
signals based upon a
Feedforward control is
anticipatory actions that occur
before a change in stimulus
Describe the joint reaction process?
Peripheral receptors: Skin, joint, tendon, muscle spindles, visual, vestibular
Afferent signal
CNS: Interpretation, response generation
Efferent signal
Feedforward to muscle spindle
Motor output (muscle)
Feedback to the start
Examples of dynamic assessments.
Figure 8 test
Hop for distance
Star excursion/Y test
Hop and hold
Modified BASS
Examples of static assessments.
Stork stand
Standing feet together
Single leg stand
Modified BESS
Outcome measures.
Measure the progress pre to
post injury, or if you don’t
have pre-injury data, their
progress through the weeks
of recovery.
How do you increase stability?
Increase the mass (inertia)
Increase the base of support
Lower the centre of gravity
Maintaining stability.
Shifting the centre of gravity around the base of support
Stepping strategy