STAAR Vocabulary Flashcards
...the student will pass the quiz by correctly answering 15 out 16 definitions.
Practices and procedures that provide equitable access to grade-level curriculum during instruction and assessment for all students.
Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP)
A federal Title I evaluation requirement for schools and districts. Under AYP, districts are evaluated on the basis of their students’ performance on mathematics and English language arts examinations and either graduation rates or attendance rates, depending on
the grade level of the school.
Admission, Review, Dismissal (ARD)
The group of educators, administrators,
parents, educational diagnosticians, and others who convene to discuss and make decisions
regarding the needs of a student eligible for special education services.
Assistive Technology
Any product or equipment, either teacher-made or acquired commercially, that is used to improve or maintain the functional capabilities of students with disabilities.
Confidential Student Report (CSR)
The score report generated for each student who participates in the Texas Student Assessment Program
English Language Learner (ELL)
Also referred to as limited English proficient (LEP) student; a student who, according to state law and established procedures, has been identified as having a primary language other than English and having English language skills such that he or she has difficulty performing ordinary class work in English.
Individual Educational Plan (IEP)
The ARD committee documentation required by federal law that outlines the goals and objectives as well as any accommodations or modifications that are
appropriate for a student served by special education
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA 2004))
A federal law requiring that students with disabilities who receive special education services be afforded the right to a free and appropriate public education tailored to individual learning needs. IDEA provides federal funding to states and school districts for this purpose. Students who are eligible must be provided an
individualized education program (IEP) developed to meet their unique needs. IDEA strengthens
accountability for the education of students with disabilities by requiring their participation in statewide
and districtwide assessments, with appropriate accommodations when necessary.
Passing Standard
The level of proficiency or knowledge a student must demonstrate in order to pass a statewide assessment. Passing standards are set each year by the state.
Prerequisite Skill
Student expectations from the TEKS curriculum identified for each assessment task. Prerequisite skills serve as the link to the grade-level content.
Process Skill
A label used to identify mathematics, science, and social studies assessment tasks that
require the student to use a process from the TEKS curriculum to demonstrate the academic skill.
Readiness Standard
Student expectations considered critical for success in The current grade or subject, important for preparedness in the next grade or subject, and have been identified as eligible for emphasis and assessment.
Reporting Categories (RCats)
Broad statements that serve as headings under which knowledge and skills and student expectations from the TEKS can be meaningfully grouped for reporting. These were formerly referred to as “Objectives” in the Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (TAKS)
The State of Texas Assessments of
Academic Readiness, or STAAR, replaced the TAKS program beginning in spring 2012. The STAAR
program at grades 3–8 assess the same grades and subjects as was assessed on TAKS. For high
school, general subject-area TAKS tests were replaced with twelve STAAR end-of-course (EOC)
Supporting Standards
Student expectations introduced or reinforced in the current grade or subject/course that are eligible for assessment but with less emphasis than other skills. Supporting standards play a role in preparing students for the next grade or course, but not a significant role
because they address more narrowly defined ideas.
The state-mandated curriculum that establishes what
every student, from elementary through high school, should know and be able to do. TEKS was
developed to comply with the Texas Education Code and can be found in the Texas Administrative
Code in Chapters 113 and 118.